Looking for another part time job. the vast majority of these available jobs read like the creepy listing where some guy is looking for a roommate but is specifically looking for female roommates only.
Just gross.
If they don’t list the salary, they definitely can’t afford me.
Theyre hoping youre desperate enough to apply anyway. There are some like that out there.
Its such a false hope when unemployment is in the 3-4% range. You just end up wasting a bunch of people’s time, sifting for the one who will take the bait. In the end, it costs everyone more money so you can lie about how much salary you need to your own manager.
Grateful for the California law that requires every job post to include the salary range
Also from my recent experience most companies won’t agree to start you at more than 70% of that range as they want to be able to give raises before having to promote you
The last California job I applied for and got, imagine my surprise when I experienced their advertised salary range was a bold blatant lie.
I lasted 4 months there before I had a nervous breakdown. Yeah that’s how I deal with difficult life experiences. Nervous breakdowns. It has served me well so far in life. I got a better job.
I use the wage filter on Stepstone because I don’t want to sift through more than 20 pages of job ads each week. Also, I’m seeing more and more companies asking for your expected salary when applying on their web page anyway. If they don’t, I just put in the number at the end of my cover letter. Cuts through the bullshit.
Sure, I’m getting an order of magnitude fewer interviews this way, but on the other hand, I’m not wasting hours on dressing up and preparing myself, potentially even taking a day off and travelling out to the fucking company because they insist on meeting me in person, only to stare into blank faces after having answered the final interview question about my salary expectations.
Rather recently, when I was in sudden dire need of a job, I could not pull that shit off, obviously, but I still managed to get more than in my previous job. Then again, it turned out to be the fucking worst job I ever had, by far, so there’s that, too.I love the fact that I can use this as my desktop wallpaper
They can take the time to fill out a clear job description but leave vague details about how much you earn is crazy.
One other thing to keep in mind is that it is perfectly legal in most jurisdictions requiring pay transparency in job postings to only give a part of the pay range. Say the range is 60,000 - 100,000, they could just say 60,000 - 80,000 or whatever they’re willing to hire people at.
I don’t think this is necessarily wrong practice, but it’s definitely potentially misleading.
I like that this is becoming increasingly illegal.
Indeed. “Competitive wage” my ass.
The competition being “who can pay the least?”
Yup. Competitive wage is a race to the bottom.
Yes, that’s good, it only benefits the powerful (employers as they are in the position of power when taking money).
I think EU is drafting a delegated act (hopefully) about this.
The next stage is for info on all corp transactions to be available at least to stakeholders.
job postings are ops
I’ve had the same thing happen in person a few times. Some places just won’t tell you what they pay unless you can get an interview.
I agree with the general sentiment, but I don’t believe that it’s right to wish harm upon them.
Well, sometimes wrong feels just…right.