In the given example, is the gas station not forcing Customer B to purchase more gas than they may want or need? What if I have a chainsaw with a 1 gallon fuel tank? Now I need to not only buy more gas than I can use, but a container to safely store it in. (It’s also illegal to dispense gasoline to/from an unauthorized container!) Now if I use my chainsaw once or twice a year, I also get to dump out that extra gasoline because it’s gone bad by the time I need to use it again.
Why is it bad to have rules which prevent harm to everyone?
Nobody is forcing anyone to buy anything. You ever see a 2oz bottle of Coke?
In the given example, is the gas station not forcing Customer B to purchase more gas than they may want or need? What if I have a chainsaw with a 1 gallon fuel tank? Now I need to not only buy more gas than I can use, but a container to safely store it in. (It’s also illegal to dispense gasoline to/from an unauthorized container!) Now if I use my chainsaw once or twice a year, I also get to dump out that extra gasoline because it’s gone bad by the time I need to use it again.
Do you have an ethanol chainsaw? Maybe an ethanol weed whacker? Got some links to these small ethanol motors?
E10 and E15 mostly aren’t ethanol. They’re 90% and 85%, respectively, gasoline, with the rest being ethanol.
Go on.
That’s a pretty stupid comparison. These aren’t prepackaged containers, and that’s a pretty key part of the terrible point you were trying to make.
Ok then, try to book an attorney for 10 minutes only.