Pirate It
Only pirating ubisoft and nintendo games.
And EA
No crowns required
They aren’t required per se, but everyone likes a fancy hat now and again
Patient Gamers rise up
Maybe not too patient but rn I’m playing Assassin’s creed Origins (2017) I bought for €14. I don’t often have time to play but when I do I’m really enjoying it! Before this I was playing Shadow of Mordor (2014).
Considering the size of my Steam library and the amount of games I want to play but haven’t touched yet… I can wait 10 years
I just played through Portal 1 for the first time, which is a game I knew I wanted to play ever since it came out in '07.
Was it worth the wait? I loved the game, and also came to the party years after its release
Why does anyone preorder games?
I have to imagine it’s a holdover impulse from the days of physical media where stores had limited copies. Why anyone would preorder a digital download is beyond me, unless there are some perks.
i would preorder games from a studio i like to boost their capital while they are still developing. it seems better than them having a lower budget or getting shady investors. but somehow those who are worthy are the same folk who dont do preorders😂
The last time I preordered a game, I had played a leaked alpha build for a while before release, for like 40 hours. It was pretty broken, but it was a lot of fun, so I figured it was fair to pay for the game already.
I’d say there are very exceptional cases where it isn’t absurd to preorder, but those are less than 1% of all preorders that actually take place.
The only game I preordered was Monster Hunter Rise. They offered a demo that I played longer than most games currently in my library and it was polished and showed no performance issues. It showed me that it was the game I wanted it to be. So I nabbed it for a preorder discount deal from a 3rd party, legit storefront to save some cash. And it was my favorite of the series and my most played individual title. Maybe that’s all rationalization of something I still shouldn’t have done, but if you are discerning, it works.
Depends on if it’s a series I’m heavily invested in or a dev I really want to support. I’m massively into the trails of series and if I could preorder those I would.
I preorder the next expansion for FFXIV. But I have played the game for 8 to 9 years. Other than that I wait to see what happens when a title drops
Same. I haven’t played as long as you as I think but I’m not really an mmo person as I get bored after a few weeks with most but FFXIV has kept me interested for years. And I’m really attached to my WoL at this point and I want to see where the journey goes.
If I want to play on release day, I would preorder to preinstall the game while I am working so I can play it when I get home. Also, preorders usually have bonus items, like physical stuff.
I preordered the collectors edition of Elden Ring, and White Snow edition of NieR Automata, for example. Both came with a wide variety of various physical goods that were exclusive to those preorder editions.
Where are you all getting GTA V for free? I want to get in on that.
Oops never mind, I have it on the Epic store. Probably nabbed it for free when it was available.
I think I bought it for $10 when Cyberpunk shat the bed what three years ago?
Almost a decade
Over a decade
GTA V turned 10 years old last September. I’ll let that sink in
Anybody ever play the game “Ocarina of Time”? Is it any good?
The New one with the 3d Graphics? I will stick to my snes.
Secret of Mana was good
Ship of harkinian? Never heard of it
Skyrim is not free yet
Well that’s because they just released it a few years ago!
Just looked it up and it came out 2.5 years ago. I swear it just came out. Stop making me feel old.
Neither is BioShock infinite
Epic gave away all three BioShock games a while back. I figured the free games are the only reason to have an account. I currently have 252 in my collection, and I didn’t get the first several months, maybe a year of games.
Meanwhile Nintendo: almost wait a decade to pay 2x the original price on the used market
More like re-purchase it for twice the price on the next console’s eShop
IMHO, there’s a card missing saying
“Waiting a few years that every bug get fixed”
Another one should be
“Waiting a few years so that my $100 bucks GPU can run it flawlessly”
And last but not least.
“Waiting a few years so that my $2000 MacBook can play it at 30FPS”
Been playing Cyberpunk 2077 lately, that game is dope. I use Game Porting ToolKit BTW
As someone with a 1060 in a Proxmox rig and a discounted M2 MacBook air, I felt all of this
Gotta keep that PC to play some Windows games right?
I did something dumb that I don’t regret yet, put my PC budget into a more powerful Mac when GPTK came out. I surely can’t play all games but so far I’m really satisfied.
Running Mixtral-7x8B_Q4 on a laptop wasn’t something I was expecting to be able to do :)
So I can’t say I got the best gaming rig for sure, but professionally speaking this has been an absolute blast.
If I remember correctly M1 was about as powerful as a 1050 when it came out (at least on native games). Are you happy with your M2 Air? I managed to play CP77 on my wife’s one, but since it only has 8Gb of RAM it crashed just after the meeting with Jackie Welles.
TBH, I miss a good macgaming sub on Lemmy. At a least I have an occasion to laugh of myself from time to time
I’m about 2 weeks in with the MacBook so probably too early to comment! But happy so far so the basic needs are met. Gaming will be mostly emulation and moonlight via Proxmox on my TV. Huge stream backlog so I’m not rushing with modern games 😅
cyberpunk 2077 sucks cock and balls
Or if its from Ubisoft never get a Chance to play it because they shut the Servers down after 10 Years
If a game requires a connection to a server to run I just don’t bother.
Unless the server software is available so anyone can set one up.
Nintendo would like to have a word with you
Opulent Pooh: Play it for free when it launches, and decide to buy the game after, if you liked it
Wait 3-6 months after release and get it on sale.
Wait a year post release, get it on sale, put it in the backlog with all the others, play your one comfort game and doomscroll your preferred social media feeds instead of ever playing it
Ouch. Damn, dude. Stop looking over my shoulder.
Was not expecting personal attacks like this :'(
I have a massive steam wishlist. When I need a new gawe I order the list by rating and search for discounts.
Same. I usually get about 5 at a time when they’re at 60% or so. I’m trying to whittle it down as there’s probably a couple hundred on mine.