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Meanwhile Nintendo: almost wait a decade to pay 2x the original price on the used market
Thank you for the positivity, kind internet stranger.
It is certainly not full any longer
Breaking: turing-complete system can simulate any turing machine
Oh boy I had one of those
The songs are great but the overall film is rather weak in my opinion. Especially in comparison with masterpieces like Princess Mononoke. To me it felt like a musical with some bits of non-canon fanservice in between. Anyway, it’s nice to see that many others like it!
I welcome the resurrection of 3D logos, flat logos look nice but start to bore me. This blob, however, is just weird and not really unique in the sense that I would mentally link it to the platform.
The live player shadows look promising, I got bored with New Super Mario Bros U because it’s missing interesting interactions with other characters. Having humans fill in the gap is a nice idea, this is also one of the things that motivate me in the souls games.
I don’t know the details but building upon previous research is the foundation of the scientific method. Additionally, the scales were probably not named like that by the authors.