The mandate, authorized by a 2007 energy law signed by President George W. Bush
That is how far the Overton Window has moved.
Thanks for introducing a new term to me today.
Overton is rolling in his grave (rolling to the far right side of the coffin, but most are calling it the center of the coffin)
You mean voting works??? ShockedPikachu.jpg [while looking at retarded ideas to ban the EPA]
*I have no idea why this is being downvoted. The Overton Window moved because Trump won an election. Want to move the Overton Window? Then VOTE.
You think people voting once over a time span of four years is how the Overton window shifts? Lol come on you can’t be for real
Does Fox News not exist in this vacuum you describe?
Who said that was the only thing? There are many things. But voting is by far the biggest thing you can do. Can you do anything about Fox? No. But you can VOTE.
Waiting for the “but but but Biden bad and doesn’t do anything” comments.
aLL dEmOcRaTz sUpPoRt JeNoSiDe!!1
Yeah it was pretty unanimously supported
Looks like it bans natural gas. Doesn’t mention diesel in the article. I was wondering what they’d do for backup power.
I don’t know about the particulars of this one, but these electrification mandates usually have exemptions for critical facilities and backup systems. It seems to be more about never using nat gas powered appliances like say a water heater. This also keeps in line with the new DC energy codes that are becoming mandatory in two years, and those have exemptions for diesel generators and such.
I figured as much. Gotta have backup power.
The first sentence references fossil fuels. I’m pretty sure that means diesel.
Hey cool, we’re catching up to what the rest of the world was doing two decades ago!
Battery backups
For 23 minutes, yes.
Nor does it ban shitty construction materials made out of petroleum.
damn, it’s almost like the “bridge fuel” talk about methane gas was full of shit
Im really confused about all this. It says it’s a mandate from 2007. But Biden did it? But he’s also not doing it until he’s not president anymore…
No plastic in federal buildings?
The article says fossil fuels. Not all petrochemical derivatives.
Reject the flimsyness of plastic embrace the strength and stubbornness of steel and stone!
For Rock and Stone! ⛏️
Rock and Stone or you ain’t comin home
It’s only Ashto Afpo for me.
Looks like Biden is poisoning the well - enabling a whole lot of “progressive” legislation in rapid succession that an incoming Republican regime will obviously undo first thing.
It tells me that Biden isn’t banking on winning the election.
Ah yes, giving his voters what they want, the ultimate sign of defeat.
Since when does the political establishment give the voting fodder anything they want?
Now? Source: literally this article.
You mean the legislation that Biden knows is going to disappear in a puff of smoke come November?
deleted by creator
Literally always. It’s been giving the self centered boomers what they’ve wanted for 40 years. Now that Millennials are the largest voting block, they’re starting to listen to us.
Now that Millennials are the largest voting block, they’re starting to listen to us.
I hope you know of a place that will sell you cope in bulk - something tells me you’re going to need lots of it in the foreseeable future.
Are you denying that the boomers have been getting what they wanted?
You only know boomers that got “what they wanted?”
Just how spoilt and privileged are you, lib?
You don’t even know what liberal means you fucking moron. I AM YOUR ENEMY. I’m no liberal. I’m a goddamned Leftist and there are more of us every day.