Have they found a way to make the remote more slippery?
No but they can beam ads directly into your brain!
You can conveniently store this one inside your butt without the need for lubricant so you will never lose it.
This might be cheaper than you know… Products designed for such activities.
I’ve dropped mine so many times I’m surprised it still works.
The home button on mine stopped working a few days ago. It’s quite frustrating.
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They can be if you are brave
I’m curious what sex toys they look like to you
Something I have been thinking a lot about lately when it comes to Googles products, especially the Chromecast since they started shoving it so full of ads with their Google TV launcher.
Most of the flexibility I like about Android TV over say tvOS is that it allows me to customize things like the launcher or use SmartTube over the official YouTube app. The thing is the only time I care to do such things is to get away from the mess Google made of the product or service, usually with ads, to begin with.
So it becomes this circle of I prefer it only because it lets me undo things that it pushed upon me that its competition doesn’t in the first place.
Long winded way of saying I’m not real sure what Google could do with the new model that would make it compelling to me beyond a bottom of the barrel product for a guest room or something, and even then the Onn 4k is cheaper and more or less the same experience, over just replacing it with an Apple TV when the time comes.
Apple TV doesn’t allow any customisation at all, Android is definitely the lesser of two evils with smart TVs. But really just get an external monitor connected over something like DisplayPort, running whatever OS your computer runs, for much more flexibility. There’s no need for a TV to be running its own OS, and it usually just makes things more complicated.
More storage and AV1 hardware support are the most obvious things they could add. Personally I just want smooth, non-laggy UI navigation. Hopefully performance will increase just by virtue of it being a newer chip.
Think this article is a little premature, since they can’t state any of the hardware specs for the new device.