I have been searching for this person’s name for years, after people have pointed out my own blood type tattoo. Mine is for medical reasons. Anyway, after having people jokingly reference the scene where Jesse says, “A minus? Why not an A plus?” I haven’t been able to find the scene online, or the actor’s name on any website. I found a website that once named one of the rival characters as being portrayed by “Lauren (can’t remember the last name)”. They didn’t have a picture for that actor/actress. It’s like they removed all content online that has that actor/actress in it. Any ideas on who portrayed that person?

  • Donebrach@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Since most everyone is saying they can’t find or remember that scene from Breaking Bad, is it possible it is from that immensely forgettable (and bad) Netflix sequel movie that came out in like ‘17 or ‘18?