Bulletproof? Is it waterproof? Ts&Cs say: ‘Failure to put Cybertruck in Car Wash Mode may result in damage’
Oh shit, the sun came out and I forgot to put my Cybertruck into “Sunlight Mode”.
It’s bricked now, but it’s really my fault.“…a pigeon could shit on it, who knows!”
You were holding the
phonetruck wrong
Telsa’s designers have weird history with water. I get the sense that they just don’t do a lot of proper testing in wet environments.
For example, it’s not uncommon for a lot of Teslas to actually grow mold in their air filtration system because they don’t properly drain water.
For example: https://youtu.be/vQxP6PaSmLc
“There’s no water on Mars so we don’t have to worry about it” - Elon, probably
“world’s most expensive brick”
Even this insult gives the Cybertruck too much credit. That piece of shit isn’t worth anywhere near as much as the actual world’s most expensive brick: a standard 400-troy-ounce gold brick, for instance, is worth about $930K today.
The largest one is 15 million dollars O_o
Can we just say that Cybertruck is basically a sum of everything wrong with right wing wackos?
“Look at me, I’m a badass, driving around in a badass vehicle, unlike you filthy libruls. … Aww shucks! There’s road salt! And my accelerator pedal just fell off wtf. …OH NO! A LITTLE WATER TOO! Anything but that!”
I’m amused that liberals bash Tesla for being a conservative virtue signaler by extension of Elon, while conservatives bash Tesla for being an EV virtue signal for liberal tree huggers.
And this, right here, is why Tesla’s stock price is down 50% from its all time high.
Not even a water issue.
The advisor said that “it is a known issue in the Cybertruck that when you do a screen reset, instead of resetting in the standard two minutes, it takes five hours.”
This is crappy and lax software testing and verification testing.
What even is a screen reset supposed to be here and why would you have to do it? Asking as a pleb conventional car driver whose screen just turns on and off with the car automatically.
It’s just like in my model 3 or my wife’s Teluride, the info screen/software can lock up or get stuck in a weird state and both have a way to reset it.
Normally neither would be a big deal, I push a button(s) and the screen goes black, it comes back up, again no big deal but at least with the Teluride, there’s a the instrument cluster and heads up display to show your speed. I’m assuming the cyber truck is like my model 3 where the speed is only shown on the center screen. If it take’s five hours over the minute of downtime, well that’s going to be a problem. That said, in my model 3, I’ve only had to do this a handful of times on my model 3, mostly because the radio isn’t working and only once on the newer Teluride because the map was stupid.
Oh, so an actual reset button like on a PC! Its existence alone is admitting that the firmware is shit. An embedded system should never freeze.
But admittedly, most car infotainment systems freeze/crash occasionally nowadays. Mine as well but it went with the Microsoft BSOD “solution” and restarts automatically.
Yeah, most infotainment systems hide their memory leaks behind the fact that when you turn the car off, you reset the computer. Not so in an always on EV.
So I’ll push back and state that infotainment systems aren’t embedded systems, more akin to a phone OS with the wide array of UX applications.
But yeah these infotainment systems are often left running on newer cars for connectivity and other features and just like any other OS, leaving it up and running is going to slow and get unstable over time for to memory usage.
Like I said, mostly not a big deal unless you’re a Tesla and critical information is there and you didn’t regression test properly.
My $200 Chinese android system doesn’t.
That’ll be
80k, 100k.Which is incredible considering Tesla’s software is typically considered their strong point. This is just a train wreck.
This is nothing new from Tesla. My parents have a Model 3 and they can’t use a car wash at all with it. Hand wash only.
And 9 cameras you have to consent to using. Total and utter crap.
I make sure to spread my butthole to each and every one of them while it starts up. It’s my morning ritual
Thank you for your service
You can be a true fartographer
I’ve been doing that for years. Guess I always knew these were coming
Appropriate, since I always reflexively start doing the Hand Wash gesture every time I see one.
This is definitely not true. Teslas can absolutely go through a car wash. They do recommend touchless ones, but pretty much every manufacturer does.
I have zero sympathy for any of the 3878 chumps who wasted their money on this vehicle. They knew exactly what they were getting
You never know. Someone could make a time travel movie with it one day and then collectors will pay an arm and a leg for the left door.
“Tell me Future Boy, who’s President of the United States in 2017?”
“Donald Trump.”
“Donald Trump? The fraudster? Ha!”
Gold bricks are worth like $750k so its definitely not the most expensive brick.
To all the chuds that bought this…
Insert Nelson HAAAA HAAAA
It was an expensive brick before the car wash, too.
Did they hire former boeing engineers?
Wait, so Car Wash mode has to be on while driving in the rain also?
So Cybertruck goes 100% Elon now? … turns into world’s most expensive brick …
So, it would block the exit of that car wash because it’s playing dead and sulking?
Then you need to ask some random people to help you push it away to the side, and everyone gets a good laugh …😅
It’s almost like they make a Fisker Ocean or a Hummer EV
Reminds me when foldable smartphones first came out. If you touched them wrong the screen got fucked.