If it’s a subjective matter then no. Like if you thought Blade Runner sucked I might disagree with your opinion but respect that it’s a matter of taste and so I won’t recommend you see the sequel.
If you’re just using “opinion” as a shield for something objective then yes I will. And I will laugh at you for thinking the sky is falling is a matter of opinion.
OP asked this less than 24 hours before they went mask-off as a Fascist.
Yes, you do need a good argument. And no, Forced sterilization and eugenics isn’t a good argument or even a conversation worth dignifying.
Edit: OP has deleted their post after an avalanche of downvotes and dissenting comments. I have some screenshots, although I expect OP to delete this post too.
OP letting the mask slip:
If it seems like an unexamined opinion or an opinion based on faulty logic, yes.
However I will often respect opinions if the person owns up to the non logic of it, even if the opinion affects me. Ie: “we should paint the living room this color because it’s better than the other choice” I need to know your reasoning and your plan for decorating. “I don’t know why, but I just feel in my gut this is the right color for me” I’m in, no further discussion needed. Same goes for vacation spots, daily activities, even bigger decisions like what car to get or what neighborhood to live in. I respect that you understand this opinion is based on nothing tangible and I will respect that.
I can’t support or respect when my partner or friend feels strongly about something but their opinion is based on crap logic or no information whatsoever but they won’t own up to that for some reason.
The depends on the opinion
Can you give an example of what you mean by someone respecting your opinion and someone not respecting it?
As many others have said in this thread, it comes down to how you define “respect” and “opinion”. Based on some of your responses, I think you are using a broad definition of “opinion”, though some more clarification might be useful there. If you’re worried about partisanship adding bias, try offering equivalent opinions from different directions as examples, eg “I think Trump should be president” and “I think Biden should be president”.
What many?
When I read through the thread earlier, I stopped at 3. Looking more thoroughly now, I see it was just those 3. But it is telling that that’s the only part you responded to, like you’re not here for a discussion but to prove some point.
What do you mean by respect? And is it an actual opinion, like “chocolate is delicious”, or is it just something bigoted you believe? That’s usually what people mean when they want “respect” for their “opinion”. If that’s the case, no, I don’t respect it and I don’t respect you.
Also by respect do you mean let you think your opinion without trying to convince you otherwise or do you mean allow your opinion to affect me without complaint
Who cares if internet jerks respect your opinion?
That is a very good question.
No, but you need a good argument if you want me to support or act on your opinion.
How does authority figure in?
I don’t understand his reasoning but he’s got a good reputation. Or cites such.
Authority means I’ll give an opinion a second look if my first instinct is to ignore someone, only if it’s in their area of expertise.
If there’s authority without expertise, it means nothing to me.
I would say yes. The only time you don’t is when I already agree with you, but that’s because I (hopefully) already know the good argument.
I don’t believe in “common sense”, that’s just the biases someone already has. Some of them correct, some of them not, all unchecked therefore all invalid as a basis for anything.
If we could dispose of respect for the individual, then we could replace democracy with science. That would be efficient.
Science doesn’t have values, and policy needs values. Science can tell you the best way to achieve your values, but if your values don’t align with the values of the majority of people, then you’re going to use science to make people unhappy.
It sounds like you just want to impose your values onto other people, which is precisely what democracy was invented to protect people against.
Opinions can’t be “respected.”
If your opinion is regarding cheese, you’re already on very thin ice
Depends on how consequential it is. If it’s about Taylor Swift it doesn’t matter, feel however you want, but if it’s about how society should be run than yeah you kinda do
The you are agreement with others here. It depends on the threat level.
It depends on what your opinion is and what you mean by respect.
If your opinion is not well explained or backed up by evidence/logic and isn’t something completely subjective, what is there to respect?
If your opinion is reprehensible, downright stupid, or ignorant? You have access to the entire base of human knowledge and are still ignorant, so what is there to respect?
Your opinion is completely logical/uncontroversial or is well backed by evidence? Where does respect come into it?
I don’t think in terms of respect about something like this as this leans towards some kind of snobbery or predudice. Either I agree or don’t. Regardless of any perceived level of knowledge or intelligence behind an argument, I’ll respond as a point of advancing shared knowledge rather than trying to ‘win’.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
If your opinion is that kittens are cute, I’m on board. If your opinion is that everyone over 30 should be sterilized unless they are in a top 10 percent earning category, you’re going to have to work for respect for that, and better have a damn convincing argument.
So, yes, unless.
Does the plain fact that somebody said it carry any weight?
If you’re a vetted expert in the field in question. Yes, I’ll give your opinion weight. I e. The millions of scientists and doctors talking about vaccines.
If you’re a chad who watched a YouTube video, no I’ll dismiss you as the idiot you are.