Sean Patrick Palmer, of Oklahoma, arrested after explosive device found last week near porch of Satanic Temple in Massachusetts
An Oklahoma man was arrested on Thursday morning in last week’s bombing attempt of a Satanic Temple in Massachusetts.
Sean Patrick Palmer, 49, of Perkins, Oklahoma, was arrested on charges of “using an explosive to cause damage to a building used in interstate or foreign commerce”, the United States’ attorney office for the district of Massachusetts said in a statement.
The Satanic Temple does not actually worship the devil or believe in the existence of Satan or the supernatural, but rather uses Satan as a symbol of free will, humanism and anti-authoritarianism. It regularly angers rightwingers and Christians.
Another violent Christian extremist trolled by the satanic temple throws their life away. Womps and Preyers 🙏
“He’s being unfairly persecuted for exercising his right to peacefully protest with pipe bombs” - Christians and their talking heads probably
but they love doing it, so is the death penalty even unethical, if he truly believes?
People are so fucking stupid.
A six-page handwritten note was found in a flower bed adjacent to where the pipe bomb was discovered. Among other things, the letter allegedly stated:
ONE DIES. I OBEY.Not to make fun of it. But you’re right and that’s why they’re so dangerous.
When Elohim sends His people , He’s not sending His best…
Just wanted to say this comment made my day.
Well they have the wrong fucking guy, this is obviously Kevin from the office.
It’s oxygen deprivation
literally zero conscience, consistency, or integrity. requirement of the religion.
any stray thought can be labelled ‘god’ and just route around everything. like a rootkit in your brain, no inhibitors.
Sean Patrick Palmer, 49, of Perkins, Oklahoma, was arrested on charges of “using an explosive to cause damage to a building used in interstate or foreign commerce”, the United States’ attorney office for the district of Massachusetts said in a statement.
Now, I’m not saying that guy drives a white pickup truck with trump stickers, a three percent sticker, the preamble to the constitution as back window tint, and a thin blue line worked into one of the other stickers somehow, but I am saying it seems a lot more likely than a Subaru with a Bernie sticker next to a Coexist sticker.
I like to think he has the Subaru. That is trying for the ironic fascist look.
Speaking of which, I should really look for one of those Coexist stickers to put on my Subaru…
Ah yes, the Christian is peace loving by default… in that they would blow things in to pieces if the mood is right.
There’s no hate like Christian love.
Same as it ever was.
One day you may wake up in an unreasonable cult! And you may ask yourself, “How did I get here?!”
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Money, political influence, and child grooming. If we made them pay taxes and hire licensed social workers to deal with kids and the infirm. If we could skip one generation of identity politic religion, I like to think we’d stop preying on each other in the name of our invisible friend
Investigators said they were able to connect Palmer to the incident with a single human hair found on the pipe bomb containing a DNA profile from a Caucasian male, who matched Palmer’s description.
This is almost certainly horseshit.
I give 10:1 odds that he had an FBI Informant snitch or otherwise set him up
Parallel construction at its finest. Informant is possible, but my guess is digital data obtained from data brokers or dragnet surveillance like PRISM or the DHS total Domain Awareness stuff.
I always find it funny how PRISM is also the program the government uses to draft contracts to buy stuff.
Bro shouldn’t have done 23 and me
Fun fact, even if you personally don’t, you just need a few relatives to do it to identify your family, and then it’s only one hop to you.
Just like Jesus would have done…
Jesus seemed like more of a water cannon guy.
Jesus’ only role in old testament evangelical christianity is iconography
Jesus doesn’t figure in the old testament at all.
No shortage of messiah prophecies in the old testament
What ?
And with those rippling muscles, woof, he’s one sexy icon. It’s not gay to beat off to Jesus, right?
it is in fact blasphemous not to
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“Allegedly” my ass,
They have his dna. They have a note, from the bomber saying he was there to proselytize before and they refused to repent.
They have him walking away from the temple, in the same clothes as the bomber, including the tactical vest,
They know he bought the materials to build it.
They know he’s a terrorist.
But they won’t say that.
I mean… that’s because you guys have a justice system and he has to go through that part first… innocent until proven guilty…you know, in a court of law, not on the streets.
presumed innocent.
The fact of guilt is independent of one’s status as suspected, accused, indicted or convicted.
I’d agree it’s a very important procedural mandate; though he is guilty. We can say as much- and should- here.
Also, he needs to be charged for hate crimes. This is a hate crime. The dude’s a domestic terrorist not a vandal who just happened to use a bomb.
I get the irritation but this is 100% normal practice for any news outlet. They leave off “allegedly” and if the defendant is found not guilty they can sue for defamation.
The irritation, however, stays in the collective gripe-o-meter section of public consciousness because of the many ways news outlets can shape public opinion in other ways (and often do) but sure seem to bend over backwards for a certain class of criminal, more often than they sure as fuck ought to, I opine.
You can maintain someone’s presumption of innocence via non-libelous writing and still make it clear that editorial considers them a poorly regulated threat to a cohesive and social contact abiding society (or whatever it is editorial is saying and no, there never was and never has been true unbiased news; a good outlet merely attempts to expose multiple views, but humans in the editorial process can’t help but introduce slant towards one of those views however small.)
The wealth of nuance in my previous statement, for example, allows for both of these following interpretations to be attributed within a statement exposing the facts that allegedly tie Mr. Palmer, 49, of OK with the alleged criminal findings (while still avoiding a tort and leaving further reinforcing of the narrative possible through the rest of the hypothetical article) if the article writer is crafty and has a purpose:
‘Mr. Palmer from OK, 49, is an example of why, you, similar dear reader, need to please consider revisiting your stance maybe, it’s not okay to make pipe bombs to fight the unbelievers’
‘Mr. Palmer from OK, 49, is a demented lunatic in layman’s terms, and an example of why, you, similar dear reader (if you actually exist, please don’t), need to chill the fuck out before taking a nap and drinking a juice box because you’re a fucking child who is allowed to buy whatever you want from the hardware store, so show responsibility’
Or damn near anything else in-between. While still (the subject is our news outlet shaped strawman standing in for The Media, recall) allegedly not shaping the course of public discourse in ways that best aligns with the totally not commands and orders to not interfere with the owner(s) of the organization or their interests.
Words have power. Their selection matters.
The organizations whose existence is predicated upon this know this (the many humans within went to ‘word’ school as a rule). The politicians who are ever either condemning or praise the press know this. The billionaire owners of the media conglomerates know this.
They have a responsibility no matter how deeply a court of law can find them to be disingenuous, lying, cowards. Allegedly.
Agreed, if not for the presumption of innocence.
I’m happy the feds claimed jurisdiction on this, but ”used in interstate or foreign commerce" just sounds funny to me in this situation.
Motherfucker, he didn’t rape the building. He didn’t make a bomb out of his cock ffs. What are you on about with your castration?
This guy definitely shouldn’t reproduce, but I don’t think it’s the government’s place to force that.
I really don’t like even considering the idea of sterilization as a punishment for crimes. It’s Nazi shit.
Nah it’s western fascist shit. The British did it to Alan Turing, in the 50s.
Alan was chemically castrated not physically. Yes they absolutely did do that, it was punishment for homosexuality.
But you’re right it’s the behavior of fascists unwilling to kill their targets
seriously! death penalty seems great. normally not a fan, but these freaks are super into it, so I say; let em.
When their indoctrinated child brings a gun to school or comes along to murder your family with a cowardly pipe bomb, tell them that
so why not just kill him? they have death penalty there, and to Christians its nbd.
Castration is not equal to murder
nope! doesn’t keep this terrorist out of society, either.
he’d probably hate being castrated, but should be excited about death penalty, if he really believes. less harm(less than zero?) to him, more benefit to us, win/win.
I know too many LGBT people whose parents hate them for it to buy that a child always ends up like their parent.
didn’t make a bomb out of his cock
they didn’t say what kind of pipe, though.
agree though. just kill him, he should want it, right?