That’s a lucky era of memes that will likely survive for awhile. Finding old stuff from albinoblacksheep or the like isn’t too hard.
I’m sad about all the YoutubeHaiku bullshit that didn’t survive long because of copywrite strikes and all. I look at old saved playlists and it’s all deleted stuff.
I was older than 30 when those memes came around.
Take me back to Star Wars Kid, Badger Badger Badger and Candlejack. Those were th
Perhaps the thing from that time that aged like the finest of wines was “LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE.” Cara was at least a solid decade ahead of her time.
“my spoon is too big”
My anus is bleeding.
I am the Queen of France!
This feels like watching Rick and morty’s interdimensional cable
Mr TCandlejack ate my ballsOr Duckroll, the inspiration for Rickro
That’s a lucky era of memes that will likely survive for awhile. Finding old stuff from albinoblacksheep or the like isn’t too hard.
I’m sad about all the YoutubeHaiku bullshit that didn’t survive long because of copywrite strikes and all. I look at old saved playlists and it’s all deleted stuff.
Oh no! How did he post the comment after Candlejack got hi-