He won’t. They know he won’t. The only way to salvage the government at that point is if Biden starts shooting. The government is pretty fucked anyway if he does, though. I think he’d try to compromise all the way up until he is executed by the next Repub president, hopefully we have 4 years to prepare for that.
If they give the president full immunity, couldn’t Biden just do whatever he wanted
Yes which is why they don’t want to rule until Trump has been voted into office or not. Trump wins, bam immunity. Trump loses, no immunity for Biden.
No, because the ruling will only apply to Trump for ~reasons~.
In a just world, he’d unpack the court, by force.
Not just saying “anyone who disagrees with my politics”, but Thomas, Kavanaugh, and Barrett have absolutely no business there.
He won’t. They know he won’t. The only way to salvage the government at that point is if Biden starts shooting. The government is pretty fucked anyway if he does, though. I think he’d try to compromise all the way up until he is executed by the next Repub president, hopefully we have 4 years to prepare for that.
It doesn’t apply to all presidents, just their presidents.