Mine will likely never be eliminated unless it all goes away because I make too much, and that’s totally fine by me. I want as many people to get relief as possible! Public colleges and universities should be free, and student debt should not be a thing. At least not the way it is now.
I feel happy when someone in this position can say this instead of the ol’ “I did it so you should suffer too” to type logic haha
You deserve relief too. Maybe not all of it but just because you’re one of the lucky few that won the job lottery. Still, everyone deserves an education, especially those who will use it to their full advantage.
Another guy who won the job lottery here. I agree that in principle we deserve relief, but we should be at the absolute back of the line. We may deserve it, but we don’t need it. A lot of people need it. Those tax dollars are better spent on the less fortunate.
I mean, with that relief he could buy more stuff and help keep employment high, or invest his money in an ethical business to spur more job growth… which is more likely if that poster walks the talk. Regardless, college debt is just economic parasitism.
Like you will be paying it off forever? Or unlikely to be forgiven? Because those both suck but one is unacceptable
Good. Keep taking advantage of those loopholes.
I don’t know how many times exactly the Republicans have tried to repeal Obamacare but it’s at least 70, so yeah I have no problem with Biden hammering on this issue for as long as it takes to get it done.
They’ll complain about it until Obama becomes white in 2008. I’m cool with Biden continuing to hammer this issue.
I definitely sympathize with people in college debt, but this feels like just temporary wins and doesn’t address the real problems. This won’t solve the overpriced cost of education. Forgive debt now, a new crop of students will just go into debt next, right?
We need universities to be completely free, universal single payer health care, drastically cheaper housing to rent and own, etc.
When someone is having a heart attack you don’t give them a lecture on the importance of diet and exercise.
There is a problem now, solve it. Fix the root cause next.
Also called kicking the can down the road.
Also called solving a problem instead of being a lazy self-entitled fuck
Why do you want free universities for degrees that actually give a net benefit?
And the reason housing is so expensive is directly due to government intervention in housing.
because I’m not a piece of shit and want to see my fellow Americans do better. a rising tide lifts all boats.
I am also a piece of shit who thinks good things are good even if someone else gets a bit more good than I get.
How does useless degrees lift all boats?
Wow TIL all degrees are useless.
What’d you get your degree in? Maybe you got a useless one.
Where did I say all degrees are useless? I got my degrees in engineering and science.
Dude you must think they get their degrees in feminist dance or some boogeyman degree. News flash you want some people to get good jobs with that “useless” feminist dance degree. Because if not, they’re going to crowd into degrees like engineering and greater numbers of engineering grads creates greater competition for engineering jobs… which drives down the pay that most engineers get, plus it reduces the odds of actually getting a starter engineering job. Supply & demand.
Signed, 100% NOT a feminist.
The market pretty much tells us what are useful and useless degrees. The issue with your theory is that people do crowd into engineering and then the joke is after they fail they do business.
And the reason housing is so expensive is directly due to government intervention in housing.
Fuck off you conservative dipshit, try your incredibly wrong talking points somewhere people aren’t gonna see right through it
While it is certainly not the only reason, government intervention via zoning laws is definitely a factor in the house crisis. If mixed use zoning was more universally a thing, then that would be the government not intervening in the housing market.
And that’s absolutely not what they mean
It’s even more so due to the ultra-low interest rates that were the “temporary” “solution” to the post 2008 crash recession (only they weren’t all that temporary and didn’t really solve the problem, more pushed it along).
There is a lot of info out there about how such monetary policy pushed money up the yield-scale out of Treasuries and Bonds and into things like Stocks and Realestate.
Another point is the wealth concentration we’re seeing: as a bigger and bigger fraction of GDP ends up in the hands of the already very wealthy the fraction of GDP that’s seeking investment opportunities (rather than being spent: poorer people spend all or most of their income, whilst rich people spend but a tiny fraction and the rest they invest) exploded and all that has to go somewhere and Realestate is perceived as safe (especially if governments will do all they can to not let prices fall) and has a lot more yield than treasuries.
This shit goes all the way back to Obama, and was just as much pushed by Republicans as by Democracts.
Oh please. None of that even PALES in comparison to the outright supply crunch being caused by housing investors. It doesn’t even compare to the damage being done by the rampant construction of expensive luxury/multifamily homes.
It explains why there are so many house investors now when there were way less about a decade or so ago.
It also explains the record-setting stockmarket valuations even though most people feel things have gone backwards.
Yup! Housing investors >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> zoning laws or all the other narratives about government interference.
Why do you want free universities for degrees that actually give a net benefit?
It is in your sentence. I want things that offer a net benefit. That’s why I like fire departments for example. We all benefit from not having uncontrolled fire about.
That’s 100 percent, certified bullshit.
Government could fix housing SUPER fast. Tax rental payments on single-family homes at 100% to make SFR build-to-rent impossible.
Sorry dude, but that is not how that works.
I work in municipal development.
100% of new single-family developments approaching the city over the last 2 years have been for build-to-rent exclusively. The existing SFR homes are being bought up at massively inflated prices to convert them into rentals.
The only reliable way to buy a home for your family to live in within 50 miles of the city is to buy empty land and have a custom million+ dollar house built, because the existing inventory is being grabbed up by rental investors and new inventory isn’t even being made available for sale.
If that is true then your area is very different than the rest of everywhere, because SFH are terrible investments. And taxing them is just going to make housing more expensive and fix nothing.
You could really use some of that free education because this take is absolutely moronic
Wow, that was such a clever statement, you must have so many degrees!
Care to explain the logic behind the housing comment?
Sure, in short housing is too difficult and too expensive to build to keep up with demand. All this is due to government requirements on housing which adds over $100k on average per single family house, as well as it just being a general headeache. And this doesnt even get into the currency manipulation issue.
What requirements though?
And the government doesn’t control monetary policy, so can you expand on that too?
There are probably 1000 different requirements for each small town and then add the state and national ones to that. The requirements will be things like getting an engineering report if you remove more than 10 yards of dirt, or add a roof element that makes the house look good.
The government does control the supply of money via the Federal Reserve. If you are interested I can tell you how it directly makes the rich richer and takes the wealth of the middle class and poor.
The fed is independent. If you’d like, I can give you a primer on how that works
Let me get this straight, the US controls and funds all kinds of governments around the world but they wouldnt control the fed? “But its a private company!!!” Sure it is, its totally not completely controlled by the government…
waaaaaaa regulation makes stuff more expensive to do, get rid of it so we can make money at the expense of the ppooooooooorrrrrrssss
Classic conservative
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Instead of reinforcing bloated college tuition, why not say fuck it and put a ceiling on all tuition?
Try harder if you want to win a second term. Your liberal base doesn’t show up and you lose.
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I will maybe purchase a home before I’m dead. I don’t have a useless degree. In fact, it’s an in-demand field and the salary was considered respectable when I began. Cost of living increases have eaten away at that. But my other choice was to continue to be an assistant at poverty wage. So when the higher salaries and specialties are gatekept by a huge monetary sum you either get a bunch of people with some debt or only the privileged may access knowledge and a brighter future. We have to decide as a society which one we want and stop loathing our neighbors for the system they didn’t create.
Please Mr.President get this passed before the orange man comes back
Trying is not enough sir
Pretty much all he can do when you have a far right court and congress
He’s doing more than he really can, but I also feel this is his way of communicating that he is in fact trying. SCOTUS and the Department of Education has both said it is not within his power, and whether or not I agree, the SCOTUS will likely continue to prevent him from pushing this through.
Realistically our government should be doing much more in aiding people through higher education, but at this point it’s like threading a needle.
I am totally for free college. If we can’t agree on that, the price should at least be capped or seriously reduced. It seems kind of convienient that the topic is coming up again in an election year. The problem is that both parties are beholden to the military industrial complex. With military recruitment at an all time low, they can’t afford to just “give it away” (give it away, give it away, give it away now). The Rethuglicans will use their bullshit “bootstrap” argument, because they only give a shit about a problem when it affects them directly. The Demohypocrites will wring their hands and pretend to try to do something while ceding ground to Repubs so they can make a show of it. It’s the corporations that own both parties, and nothing is going to change until we kick these entrenched douchebags out on their asses.
Also, look how easy it is for Congress and POTUS to approve billions for war in Ukraine and billions in money and weapons to keep the genocide in Israel going (with all of the afforementioned hand-wringing, of course).
Oh, just in time for another election…gee, what a coincidence.
And, if by some miracle, he doesn’t lose to Trump, he’ll be just fine and dandy when some “administrative/process complication” blocks it, just like last time.
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He’s also wiping out tens of thousands of women and children in Palestine.
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I am all for it. Just wish it didn’t take a genocide for his numbers to dip far enough to need the PR boost
He has been working on student loan forgiveness well before the Gaza conflict
Not to mention plan b is still in the works
Biden has been against it far longer than he’s been for it. I’m voting for him, but let’s not pretend he’s a good guy here. He had his opportunities to do something and he refused, despite his fellow Democrats begging him to act. He refused to extend the time for the payback; him and no one else.
He has never stated that he’s changed his position - he’s just thrown out soundbites like he’s done so far. No actual action has taken place other than what was already happening without him. He’s sped up some already existing processes. Whoopee.
He literally forgave $146k from my wife’s student loans, after predatory student loan advisors had her refinance her loans years ago, claiming she would qualify for 20 year forgiveness, but in reality didn’t qualify. She just realized about 4-5years ago and got back on the right track, but it was going to be 20 years from then.
You hand wave the effect that his express actions have had on real, hard working and struggling citizens. I’m here to tell you that they have had a major affect on our lives, and have honored the spirit of the deal that she entered, and had been cheated out of. And there are many, many others.
And this is speaking as someone who was fortunate enough to have my parents pay for my education in full. I have never been burdened by student debt, and I view it is an absolutely wonderful and vital action to ensure that the US retains its status as one of the most highly educated work forces in the world.
I’m glad it worked out for you and your wife. There’s a lot of people who don’t have jobs deemed “righteous” enough to be worthy of “forgiveness” for the predatory costs of college, lending practices of the institutions, and restrictive legislation of the politicians that have created an indentured servitude for most of your fellow Americans.
Or those like me, who actively left one of the schools deemed predatory because I saw the writing on the wall.
Because I left before the place shut down (about a year before it did, woulda still been in school) I get nothing forgiven, I already applied and got denied.
I’m happy for those who got their loans forgiven, but I am incrddibly irate at how very specific it’s been and how directly that’s fucked me despite also being lied to and fucked around (for example I had to sign my onboarding documentation FIVE TIMES because of vague “oh you did this wrong do it again” and I’m 80% sure some numbers changed between the first and last one
She wasn’t in a “righteous” job, she was self employed and qualified for some reduced income based program. I can’t remember all of the details, but for many years she was paying around $1400/mo, and then went into some program to help reduce the payments after losing her condo in the recession.
The point I’m trying to make is that we need to support his efforts to absolve more people’s loans. He’s trying to do a lot more than he has already done, but he’s fighting the GOP and even some from his own party. The wins he has gotten have helped people like my wife and I substantially, and if he continues to get the publics support, that gives him leverage to keep chipping away and widening the scope to hopefully include people like you and your loved ones as well.
Aaaaaaaaaand where’s he gotten with it?
Assuming correctness: 136000000000/1750000000000*100 = ~7.77%. While this is not nothing, boy it just doesn’t sound like the student loan forgiveness he promised does it?
The “genocide” blame is bullshit, mostly from trolls and the deliberately uninformed. Biden has been all over Israel from the start to not react “over the top”.
This is obvious disinformation.
The fact that you put genocide in quotes says everything anyone needs to know about your non-existent morality.
Biden has definitely been all over israel, as in all over kissing their ass for his entire career.
Stupidest fucking thing I’ve read on lemmy.
But, that is to be expected from someone evil enough to put genocide in quotes.