you know – this is always represented in the news/etc as ‘a starbucks a day’ but i mean moreso a gadget or a shirt. i’m splurging on deodorant right now. is that immoral? are you meant to have a mostly austere budget until you’re a boomer with a house and a fence?

so uhh what’s the last little thing you bought to not go insane?

    1 year ago

    You might be able to find some other riders on Facebook groups, or Meetup. I think it’s definitely more fun to ride with others than to ride alone, but it is still very fun alone. I just found some twisty roads with some fire trails a couple days ago and I can’t wait to get my wheels balanced on my bike and head out this spring. I’ll be going alone since my riding group is now spread all over the country. We just need to be more cautious riding alone than when riding with friends, since there’s nobody there to bail you out if you crash. Leave a route and a return time with friends or your parents, and you’ll be okay.

    I took that riding course when I was 15 1/2 so that I could start riding before my 16th birthday. It’s a great investment! You’ll be a better, safer rider because of it. Best of luck, and have a great time! Keep the rubber side down!

      1 year ago

      Oh there’s definitely groups around… I just need to travel about 4 hours haha.

      We just have 1 main highway, and another section of road that is less used. All my group riding is with 4 wheelers or snowmobiles. I almost always keep someone in the know of where I go, since unless you’re directly in town, you likely won’t have cell service.

      If you’re ever interested, I use a device called Zoleo, which allows you to send messages and call for emergency help via satellite. There’s a monthly fee, but if you’re ever out constantly like I am where there’s no service, it’ll help you out. I’m sure there’s other options too, but it’s for sure a useful tool, especially if you’re stuck down a ditch and can’t move.

        1 year ago

        Oh that’s cool, like the Garmin Mini. I’ve been getting pressure from my friends and family to get something like that now that I’m middle aged, but still do a lot of back country backpacking. There’s no cell service just past our house, so we have GMRS radios. A 50w base station at home, 4 watt handy talkies, and a local repeater we can hit. My wife and I are studying for our ham licenses right now, since we can use lower frequency signals and more power with ham than with GMRS. I’ll check that device out that you shared. Neither ham nor GMRS are adequate where I go backpacking, and a lot of loved ones want me to be able to send a location beacon while I’m in the back country. The Garmin Mini is more money than I’ve wanted to spend, and yours looks affordable. Thanks!

        Quads are good fun too, man! Especially since you can strap an ice chest to the back. I used to ride quads in the Sierra Nevadas a lot when I was younger. We’d all strap an ice chest to the back and fill it to the brim with beer. I know… I know. It’s not safe to mix alcohol and motorsports, but man is it fun!