Transmission is just giving me more and more problems. Anyone have any recommendations?
Try deluge, it’s been pretty bulletproof for me once configured.
I use qbit in a docker container which just provides the web UI but it works great for me
Honestly, what i do is install docker using brew and spin up a saltbox instance on localhost. You can always bring it down by telling docker to stop but it’s way better and it’s containerized.
edit: let me know if you need help.
I know some of those words!
Lol whatcha need help with?
I use qbittorrent or/and aria2 everywhere
Deluge never let me down
The download page for qbittorrent says that MacOS is “barely supported”. Is docker reasonably accessible for Mac? You could use that to get qbittorrent.
Just try it. If “barely suppoted” gets you the current stability, them kudos to the devs. I haven’t had a single crash in recent years. Sure Transmission has a nicer minimalistic UI, but it lacks a lot of qbittorrent’s features.
I have never tried this one because of that lack of support
Transmission :P
If you’re having issues with Transmission most likely the problem is in another thing… like an hard drive or some other piece of software.
Nah, Transmission just gets kinda buggy when its loaded with hundreds of torrents. Its fine for light use (or perhaps if you have a ton of RAM). But it definitely gets laggy and occasionally unresponsive after running a few days.
Tell me something, what’s the state of those torrents?
This might be caused by your I/O reaching the limits while doing random reads. Reducing the amount of peers you connect to may fix the problem.