Yeah but Brave? Why not Firefox or Vivaldi.
Well the Brave Twitter account is likely a bit biased toward the Brave browser. 🙂
I’m sure the others were impacted too.
Edit: Firefox installs jumped 50%.
Vivaldi is my go to browser. Brave does a better job with blocking ads. I’m switching to Brave whenever I need to stream something on a site loaded with ads, or when YouTube manages to detect my Adblock for a few days.
Not like uBlock Origin is a thing?
Can it really get better than that and consent-o-matic?I am using uBlock Origin on my Vivaldi. It doesn’t block everything.
It’s not supposed to block everything. Neither does brave.
“This Other Browser is just as good as Brave*!”
*if you install x, y, and z and uninstall a and b
You are comparing a tool to a tool-belt in terms of capabilities.
You think Firefox is the only browser that can use extensions and add-ons? Brave just doesn’t need them for adblock because it’s built in. But, like all chromium browsers, you can use loads of extensions for loads of use cases. Anything that works on Chrome works on Brave.
It’s maybe a few clicks to find the add-ons store in Firefox then searching “uBlock Origin”. Hell, when I switched to Firefox last year, I want to say there was even an onboarding that pointed me to the extension upon setup.
So, back to my original point.
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Still better than Edge or Chrome
Firefox +50% in Germany, +30% in France
Vivaldi is extremely slow on IOS and 2gb+ big. Firefox has no extensions so no Adblock. Generally there are few privacy friendly/Foss browsers on IOS.
Firefox has no extensions so no Adblock.
That’s because so far every browser on iOS had to use WebKit as it’s HTML rendering engine, meaning that even if you installed another browser manually you were basically still using Safari under the hood. IIRC the new DMA rules include allowing other browser engines like Gecko, so Mozilla is probably already working on making addons available. I mean they are available on Android, so why wouldn’t they make them available on iOS now that they finally can?
I wouldn’t be sure because of how stupid Apples compliance is. But if they do I would definitely switch. I guess it’s just going to be Firefox focus until then.
You can get one but not the other. Orion has been pretty solid for me, has all the lovey iOS integration so the happy chemicals Apple spent R&D on does it’s magic while blocking all sorts of things, but it’s closed source :/
Generally there are few privacy friendly/Foss browsers on IOS.
Um, Safari is so privacy friendly that Google regularly asks me if I’m human. For example it has “private relay” which is similar to TOR* so trackers don’t even know your IP address — combine that with blocking third party cookies (and even some first party cookies) by default and providing false data to fight fingerprinting even if you don’t block trackers entirely - and blocking them entirely is as simple as installing an extension. Private Relay also adds a layer of encryption on top of DNS queries and otherwise unencrypted http traffic… so your ISP/Cellular provider/Work/School/abusive husband/etc can’t track you
99.99% of the Safari’s code is FOSS — dual licensed under LGPL and BSD.
It’s not the browser I use - pretty lacking in the feature department, but it’s definitely more pro-privacy than Brave or FireFox. I’ve never had to jump through a captcha to use Google in those browsers.
(* if anything, it’s better than TOR… with that service there’s a risk your entry/exit nodes are tracking you. With Private Relay it’s always one of Apple’s servers for the entry node and a reputable cloud company like Akamai for the exit node. Both would have to be compromised in order to identify you… maybe a nation state can do that, but a big data tracking company definitely can’t)
I mean they did say few. Generally speaking, every browser is basically safari (WebKit) on iOS and apple doesn’t allow support for 3rd party browser extensions (least natively, Orion supports this somehow). So you’re already limited in that regard. If you don’t use safari , a browser like FF + VPN is IMO a better experience. You also have the option of just using wireguard and controlling your traffic at home/VPS if you’re into that.
WebKit might be open source but the browser deployed by apple is not. That’s like saying chrome is open source. They both use open source engines.
Man imagine being so far up apples butt that you actually think Safari is safer than tor
it’s definitely more pro-privacy than Brave or FireFox. I’ve never had to jump through a captcha to use Google in those browsers.
You have this backwards. Google showing you captchas is basically them saying they can’t match your browser to any know (shadow) profile they have already stored. So they aren’t sure you are a human and if so which one specifically. Getting harassed with a captcha is essentially like a badge of honour for your browsers privacy settings.
Cause Firefox is trash and Mozilla a shell of their former selves?
Also it’s so liberating to speak your mind without caring what some scrub with his sweaty fingers on the downvote button thinks
Because it blocks ads out of the box. I know its new tab screen causes a lot of y’all’s buttholes to clench because it mentions cryptocurrency, but there are harder things to ignore
Careful, if you try to advocate or defend Brave on Lemmy, you’re stepping on a minefield.
Idk if I would advocate for or defend it, but I find mobile ads especially abhorrent cuz they take up more relative space on the screen and my upload speed isn’t good enough to be VPNing through my pihole anytime I’m outside the house
iOS browsers are just skins for Safari anyways, and Brave addresses my issue out of the box, so yeah
For god sakes don’t use Brave. Brave has been caught doing shady shit in the past, and the CEO is a piece of shit on top of that.
Use Firefox with privacy addons.
Don’t worry, Firefox downloads in the EU have also skyrocketed.
Vivaldi and Firefox are better choices.
PS: considering reviewing Brave again. Everyone should contribute to their source code.
This is too far down.
But in iOS , addons (ublock origin) are not available at least outside EU, so brave is the better choice as it got brave shield . everywhere else I use Firefox.
Wasn’t the Brave CEO formerly the Mozilla CEO, back when Mozilla was doing a good job?
There is one issues though… Firefox is extremely slow and clunky. I hate to say it, but on mobile it is hard to use all the time for me. On desktop I’m Firefox 95% of the time but some sites don’t work very well with the much slower JavaScript engine. This isn’t to defend Brave or any chromium browser but we gotta get Firefox up to speed.
This is on iOS. There is no Firefox (geko) or Chromium, there is only skins of Safari so your point is moot. For now.
Firefox and chromium both outperform Safari in performance tests, or roughly the same depending on the setup.
It’s Safari that’s the third rate browser. No one would use that shit if it hadn’t been forced on them and if the other vendors weren’t restricted by Apple.
There’s a reason Apple stopped making Safari for other platforms. It never caught on, 'cause it sucks. Safari can’t compete without Apple kneecapping the competition. They’re like a sports team that can’t win without playing on their home turf at 10000 ft altitude where they pump in crowd noise and drug the other team’s gatorade
Wow safari is shit. I didn’t know it was that far behind. Damn. Well, to be fair my problem is my Pixel 6 is a slow ass buggy Google nightmare product. Firefox probably works fine on a Samsung phone but then I can’t install GrapheneOS. Yet I have never bothered so… Samsung and their locked bootloader may be preferable just so Firefox has more hardware to run on lol.
I feel like Firefox has made some really great strides on the performance front. Especially considering how bloated chrome has gotten as a comparison. But… Yeah that’s valid. I love Firefox like 99% of the time but sometimes I’m almost forced to swap to Chrome to get a site to work correctly or reliably.
Site devs need to see the threat from browser engine monopolies too. Valve literally started pouring resources into Linux gaming just because Microsoft looked like they were trying to dominate game stores on Windows. Chromium actually dominates the web. I guess at least base chromium is open source. Still though, one of those markets is way bigger than the other and it definitely isn’t Linux gaming. (God I love Proton/WINE and how far we’ve come!)
Firefox is fine on mobile in my eyes.
At least the Android version, even on my 5 year old Exynos phone it does what I need / want from a browser. Allows (some) extensions, lets me zoom wherever I want to on any page, has a reader mode and is snappy enough on old hardware.
Chrome tries to be / do far too much for me, just fuck off and let me browse the web. I do like the dynamic colours that Chrome on mobile uses on different webpages, is hot.
However Chrome gives me dirty Microsoft vibes, and it’s pretty hard to shake that stank.
If your on iOS welcome to the walled garden. Hope you live in the EU.
I just have a shitty phone. Lol don’t buy a Pixel 6. (Unless you pick it up really cheap for temporary use)
Brave is garbage. It’s a cryptoscam adscam browser based on Chrome. For the love of god, use Firefox (or Vivaldi if you absolutely need chromium)
Unfortunately brave has the best desktop layout when using Samsung DeX.
whats wrong with chromium?
It allows Google to continue controlling the Internet.
Brave is great, has configurable keybinds, nice default adblock block list, vertical tabs, syncing sessions without email, etc.
And on android it can play youtube vids on the background.
The crypto ads just get disabled on the new tab page, you don’t even have to go to the settings lol. And vivaldi is partially closed source btw.
There are crypto ads involved in the product though? Fuck that, even if it was default off
Brave is an interesting case, they found a way to make money that doesn’t involve tracking their users, making deals with google or be closed source lol
If you hate that fine, I definitely prefer that than the other alternatives lol.
That graph is trash. The baseline needs to be at zero.
That graph hurts my data scientist heart
It’s common practice to cut the y axis, did you guys not cover that in visualisation?
Could you please clarify why the baseline needs to be at 0? I’m genuinely curious.
This graph gives the impression that the total installation number has been multipliés x4 or X5 while it is not the case when looking at the raw numbers.
Any variation can look impressive if you zoom enough, that’s why you need a baseline at 0. This way you see thé entire scale of the phenomenon
This graph gives the impression that the total installation number has been multipliés x4 or X5
How so? It goes from ~7 to ~11. That’s not even x2.
No it doesn’t.
It’s meant to illustrate a change and it does so perfectly fine. It’s not a scientific paper.
It’s a 32-34% increase looking at the graph. That’s significant enough to shout about.
Imagine any change you could make surprising competition by 25% in any market. That’s huge.
Did you know that disco record sales were up 400% for the year ending 1976, if these trends continue…AY!
You could say the same about a 0.001 difference if you zoom in on the y-axis. You don’t know what you’re talking about.
A 0.001 difference on a 0.004 total would be worth showing.
That was a bad example. Try 1,000,000 moving up to 1,000,069.
I’m sticking with relevance. A >25% rise is what we’re talking about.
A 25% raise would show up with the y shits at zero. As would any significant increase.
I mean sure I guess… but brave as a browser is atrocious. I don’t trust their bullshit at all.
After all who doesn’t want a crypto wallet in their browser? that’s the safest place for it right?
I guess if you have no experience with it then that’s a perfect response. Meanwhile I’ve got $72 worth of BAT in mine and if it vanished I’d be perfectly fine losing money I never actually owned. I donate to DDG and Wikipedia each month with mine. That’s money they didn’t have so they are fine with that.
I used to have a lot less but this crypto spike has increased it by a lot so my holdings are exceeding my donations. Might need to give away more.
I’m seeing a lot of down votes but no counter arguments.
I’ve been using Firefox on my android phones for years though, I don’t remember it ever being more involved then setting it as default on the popup on first launch.
I have been using Firefox as the default browser on my iPhone for a while now. It wasn’t complicated to setup either.
Same here but it’s not Firefox with its own Engine, it’s a Firefox frontend for WebKit with some of Apple’s restriction.
deleted by creator
Still wouldn’t touch Brave Browser due to their past crypto shenanigans.
Please forgive my ignorance. Can’t you shut that shit off? Does shenanigans still apply?
They apply after you shut them off
They are probably just trying to pump their token with these posts.
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The axis is somewhat misleading. A jump from 8k to 11k installs is nothing.
Edit: just saw from the comments this is the number of installs per day so its bigger than I thought
A jump from 8k to 11k installs is nothing.
It’s about a third. Imagine if your income went up by 30% in 24 hours, I reckon you’d be pretty happy about that.
Also - it tends to take months for a new version of iOS to reach a large number of users, and years to reach everyone. So a rapid growth rate (probably not 30%, but still fast) is likely to be sustained over quite a while.
It’s been one day
Yeah, I’m sure a lot of people are trying it out. I’m curious what the other options look like and how many continue using them after the initial install.
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I used to use brave before they were soured. Ther BAT token disappearing from my account was another nail in the coffin.
Arguably soured from the very beginning depending on how much you care about the CEO financially supporting a bill to strip gay people of their right to marry, plus supporting a politician who said that AIDS is good because it cleanses the earth of gay people.
I dont know wtf this is about; I have NEVER had a problem switching default browsers in ANY environment.
After you install the 17.4 update or when setting up the phone it’ll ask what browser you want as your deafult. Before this and still in other countries you have to manually search and download a browser and set it as the default.
I was a bit confused too. So all that’s changed is a specific splash screen during new phone setup prompting the user to pick a default browser?
yes, because the average user doesn’t even know there are different browsers, and that they can change the default one, which is great to “vendor lock” your own browser, in this case Safari from iOS
So basically all this is nanny state-ing for idiots? Darwin would be so pissed now
Gotcha, but even in that case, what’s convincing most of those average users from picking a different browser? The logo? “Ooh pretty lion?”
Some might be aware others exist but not be quite tech savvy enough to figure out how to have it be the default. I downloaded Firefox for my ex on her phone but the default was still chrome so whenever she clicked a link on an app it would just open on chrome. If this pop up had happened she would have chosen to make Firefox her main browser when opening links and stuff. She did use it when browsing normally, Chrome was just the default for all other apps.
Misleading graph trying to make a 150% increase look like a 1000% increase.
that’s a ~40% increase looking like a 300% increase
Read the left side? 7k-11k, the removed useless information, provided you read what is actually there first.
Welcome to the transparency of Brave !
3,000 people clicked a button out of curiosity or by mistake. If this is statistically relevant for their install base, there really is nobody using Brave. I have as many users randomly come and go into my game on a daily basis.
Maybe Europeans like crypto scamware
But still isn’t it a safari reskin!!
I think at this point it still is. But it should get a chromium version in future!
Hurry USA! Better find some smallish company to sue for anti trust instead of working on any real issues like this