A 25-year-old Missouri man says he mistook his mother for an intruder before shooting her to death at their home’s back door.
Prosecutors have charged Jaylen Johnson with manslaughter and armed criminal action in connection with the shooting death on Thursday of his mother, Monica McNichols-Johnson.
McNichols-Johnson’s shooting death came less than a year after another shooting in Missouri saw Ralph Yarl, then 16, get shot on 13 April by 84-year-old Andrew Lester after ringing the wrong doorbell while picking up his siblings.
If only his Mother had a Gun she could have Protected herself from her Son who had a gun and accidentally Shot her! That’s literally the ONLY way she could have saved herself!
An armed society is a society where people are looking for someone to shoot.
From across the pond, it seems wild how bad it spiralled out due to capitalism. You guys got sold on the idea of having to defend your own house at any point of time… Leads people to have fantasies of being in such a scenario to use their custom piece to end a fool!
Are we really surprised it ended this way?
I’m armed. Not seeking any victims. Have a nice day.
Be honest. You’ve had dreams/thoughts of killing someone in self defence.
Honestly no. I have better things to dream about. I have lived in the ghetto, and fallen asleep to the sound of gunshots and sirens. I have a wife who I love, and I want to make sure she doesn’t come to any harm. I’m sad for you that you think guns are only weapons for mass murders. Maybe someday you’ll realize self-defense is a valid reason to own guns. Be honest, could you live with yourself if your home gets broken into and your spouse or child gets killed and you stood there looking around doing nothing because you weren’t armed?
I doubt you’re being honest in your question but I’ll answer it anyway.
Could I live with myself if my wife died due to a home invasion? Yes, of course I could. I’m not at fault for her death so why wouldn’t I be able to live with myself?
The fact that you came up with a situation where you think violence is the solution answers my initial question of you dreaming about killing someone in self-defense. You didn’t think you were going to prove yourself a liar in your response did you?
You obviously made up your mind before ever posting or reading my response so there’s no point in continuing this conversation. Dreaming of something and preparing for the worst are obviously different but my words are wasted on you.
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Great point, I’ve reconsidered my entire worldview thanks to your clown emojis. You’re really doing God’s work here.
Of course, being mentally prepared to do what one has to in the case of preventing loss of life or great bodily injury, the only things armed self defense can legally be used for, isn’t exactly the same thing as pulling a Berkowitz. Most people who own them are prepared to, but hopeful they’ll never have to, use it, and mischaracterizing them as insane nutjobs is unlikely to win any favor in debate. Don’t get me wrong those people do exist, but conflating them with normal gun owners is a mistake, and one you’re free to make.
While most gun owners are not insane nut jobs, the actual problem people are trying to point out is that everyone acts in poor judgement or overwhelming emotion sometimes. I might swear loudly at myself; someone having a loaded gun handy might end someone’s life. There’s a difference.
The other issue that people don’t talk enough about is the inherent conflict between keeping a deadly weapon secured and keeping one ready for defense.
I think the world might be better if we stopped pretending we’re all exactly the same.
Thankfully, you must be wrong, or with 600,000,000+ guns for 300,000,000+ people we’d all already be dead.
But it’s not as simple as whether we’re all the same. Owning a deadly weapon means that anything going wrong potentially kills someone. Most of the time they didn’t deserve it.
You’re afraid of a threat that magnified by your fears and misperceptions. I’m afraid of your “self-defense” or your lack of securing your weapon.
Be different all you want, but it’s a problem when it kills innocent people. Where are their rights?
“Most of the time they didn’t deserve it” eh?
Well, all gun deaths per year including accidents, murder, and suicide, hover around 60,000/yr.
However, even by our most conservative estimate, conservative in this case meaning only using verifiable police reports and completely discounting the most common type of armed defense: defensive display, Harvard has estimated “the good guy with a gun” being effective 100,000 x/yr.
Clearly we can see that 100,000 defensive gun uses is 40,000 more than 60,000. This indicates quite clearly that actually “most” of the time it is deserved, as “most” of the time by 40,000 it is self defense.
You’re afraid of a threat that magnified by your fears and misperceptions
I really hate that I have to say this, but literally no u.
I’m afraid of your “self-defense”
Well don’t attempt to kill me or someone I care about in my presence, simple as. Think you can handle that? Should be pretty damn easy tbh.
or your lack of securing your weapon.
Well don’t make people leave them in the car to come into your store, the only time mine are less secure than I’d like are when the law requires it to be.
Be different all you want, but it’s a problem when it kills innocent people.
If a man is stabbed in the park do you feel guilty for having knives in the kitchen? Unless I’m the one who does the bad thing I will not feel responsible for it, I am not responsible for the actions of another sentient being.
Where are their rights?
They have them. Just because rape exists, do you think a woman has no right to her body? Similarly, just because murder exists, that doesn’t mean the murderer wasn’t trampling the murdered’s rights, actually that’s literally the exact reason murder is called “a crime.” And the reason legal self defense is a thing, too, your right to self defense is to secure your right to life, specifically.
I wouldn’t dare assume what’s in someone’s head and I try hard not to mischaracterize anyone. I just wanted to know if that person ever dreamed of killing someone, and while my comment didn’t provide context, I was wondering how happy they’d be if they did. I get the impression that some people that want guns for self-defense are ‘itching’ to kill someone and are using self-defense as an excuse. I read that a girl got shot because her basketball landed in someone’s yard and the person killed her. While not the norm, without proper healthcare, including mental health, having the right to use a gun for self-defense is a recipe for disaster. Plus, the ‘stand your ground’ laws seemed deeply flawed, though this is coming from a Canadian that doesn’t have the right to use deadly force to defend my property.
I wouldn’t dare assume what’s in someone’s head and I try hard not to mischaracterize anyone.
Be honest. You’ve had dreams/thoughts of killing someone in self defence.
These two statements are conflicting.
I just wanted to know if that person ever dreamed of killing someone,
You could have asked them, but you instead told them how they feel.
I get the impression that some people that want guns for self-defense are ‘itching’ to kill someone and are using self-defense as an excuse
As I mentioned, those people do exist, but they aren’t the norm and conflating them with just a normal dude who doesn’t want to use it but will if forced won’t make you friends with those normal people.
I read that a girl got shot because her basketball landed in someone’s yard and the person killed her.
Which isn’t legal. Maybe in Texas idk about them, but in most of the country that’ll buy you some prison time unless it landed in your living room and she kicked your door in to get it back.
without proper healthcare, including mental health, having the right to use a gun for self-defense is a recipe for disaster.
For you maybe. I’m fine, and for all I know so is that other person you first replied to. Not that those things wouldn’t be cool, but the need for them does not invalidate the need to defend oneself. In fact, the fact that we don’t have those may well contribute to why we do sometimes need to defend ourselves, tbh. In the meantime the best you can do is evaluate that for yourself, if you can be safe and use it only when you have to, great. If you doubt your ability, making the decision to not have one is a good one and I couldn’t fault you.
Plus, the ‘stand your ground’ laws seemed deeply flawed, though this is coming from a Canadian that doesn’t have the right to use deadly force to defend my property.
Neither do Americans with SYG nor Castle Doctrine. Castle Doctrine says you have no “duty to retreat” in your home or vehicle, meaning if someone breaks in while you’re inside, you do not have to run away before responding to the threat. Stand Your Ground extends this to any place you are legally occupying. That said you still have to abide by all other laws at the time, including but not limited to “deadly force is only legal to use in defense or prevention of death or great bodily injury.” Not “property.”
Yet another reason to ask questions first.
Knowing your target (and what is beyond it) is one of the core rules of gun safety.
Positive identification. Always.
Not owning a gun is my favourite gun safety rule.
My aunt killed her husband with a gun when he came home early from his business trip to surprise her.
I explained the Castle Doctrine to my daughter not too long ago. I just love explaining to her why this sort of thing happens in America.
At least you don’t have to explain to her that some people feel better living as a gender different from the one they were assigned at birth.
You’re right, because she already understands that.
: )
How is he being charged then? I don’t get it.
He killed her in her own home. You understand what castle doctrine is, right?
Bet he gets off with a warning after crying himself some Rittenhouse tears during the trial
Hey you know how I avoid never accidentally shooting someone? Not owning a gun. Gun makers hate this one trick but they can’t stop you.
Target id is very important. Weapon lights are important. This shit will haunt him for the rest of his life.
Considering we don’t have any real clue as to the exact setting and situation… Yeah we know he thought there was an intruder… But… There’s a lot we don’t know. I’ll wait for the details before judging
Give us a scenario where he didn’t have time to ask “who’s there” before shooting his own mother.
What if the burglar had shot first, huh? Check ma- oh wait. … Nevermind.
You know what’s crazy? These tube things you can put in your pocket. They take a battery, you press a button and light comes out the front! Doesn’t even stop until it hits something you maybe wanna see. It’s nuts, I tell ya.
Know what’s crazier? They sell these things you speak of with mlok attachments for (and yes I know they’re trying to ban handguards as “barrel shrouds”) handguards for (and yes I know they don’t like “assault rifles” either) your AR. And preventing this is literally the point of those.
Not only are you right, there’s legit solutions marketed for this lol.
Or just don’t own a gun because the chances of someone breaking into your house trying to harm you are unbelievably small.
This guy certainly shouldn’t.