The hard thing is finding an infant in a wheelchair to go with you
Psalm 137: 9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.
Iron Man: Am I a joke to you?
He has always been Fe-male :P
omg the cringe that was “Tony is female coded” / “Tony vs Cap is domestic violence”.
Transition metals don’t exist, everyone knows there are only 2 elements
Come on bud, be a proper alloy!
No, there are more elements. But there are only two elements there is an infinite supply of in the universe, Hydrogen and Stupidity, and we’re not sure about Hydrogen. /forgot whose joke this was
The internet says it is an Einstein quote.
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.
I am betting like most quotes attributed to him that it is made up though.
This one’s unproven. Given the quotability, I’m gonna say if he really did say it we’d know for sure.
Found the cosmologist.
Is that joke that on a cosmic level, it’s mostly hydrogen and helium (?) so others get ignored, like how genders other than the usual 2 get ignored? If so, that’s so smart and funny, wow.
Or is it something else that I’m not getting?
Pretty much, the universe is hydrogen, helium, and rounding errors.
Yep. Cosmologists work at the largest scale and often simplify regular matter down to hydrogen (“gas”) and everything else (“metal”).
So if you ever see a reference to the “metallicity” of a star, that can include the presence of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, etc… which chemists of course would never refer to as metals.
They can use whichever one they want.
The real challenge: use both at once!
Pee might be slightly magnetic from all the rust & minerals, so with a complex system of magnets & pulleys, its possible.
Also if both doors just open to the same bathroom.
I was curious if there was a bimetal junction transistor (BJT) joke to make here, and turned up an interesting paper talking about a FeMn-bimetal complex effectively absorbing microwave radiation.
Best I think we can do here is “trans-sister.”
Are they also only for children in wheelchairs?
Gender Alchemy
Ok, what I love, is that the “symbol” for iron (circle with NE arrow), is used as the symbol for “male”, so it’s switched here.
AND THEN, that same symbol is used by automaker Volvo… Which is awfully close to “vulva”… Which references back to female!
- Mind blown *
Also what’s with the circle around women vs. the triangle around men? Is this some meaningful gender related symbolism that I’m unaware of?