Tesla’s Model 3 uses a touchscreen for damn near everything. Some things are buried and require multiple presses in different places on the screen. It looks really good, but the actual purpose and the fact that humans driving at potentially deadly speeds need to operate it seems to have been placed a distant second to safety when the thing was designed. Given who is in charge of Tesla it’s not much of a surprise.
I’d never realized how convenient/natural a joystick is for adjusting your side mirrors. I’m not even sure my wife has the reach to both press a touchscreen in the center console and have her head in driving position to adjust the mirrors with real time feedback. Even I’d hate to have to tweak a mirror while driving with a touchscreen.
Its mainly touchscreen due to two reasons: 1. Touchscreens are significantly cheaper than analog controls. 2. Touchscreens support the ‘publish now, debug later’ approach of Tesla and a lot of Chinese car manufacturers.
Not saying it’s for everyone, but if it’s not accessible from the home screen with a single press I can do without looking I’d rather just use the voice controls to keep my hands on the wheel and eyes on the road.
For someone who’s the primary driver of a vehicle that’s a good option, but there are plenty of Teslas out there that get driven often by secondary drivers who aren’t familiar with the specific voice commands and IMO aren’t going to learn them. Some standardization for controls is a good thing and although physical controls can vary, they’re usually enough alike to easily figure them out. That’s not going to happen with a touch screen.
Tesla’s Model 3 uses a touchscreen for damn near everything. Some things are buried and require multiple presses in different places on the screen. It looks really good, but the actual purpose and the fact that humans driving at potentially deadly speeds need to operate it seems to have been placed a distant second to safety when the thing was designed. Given who is in charge of Tesla it’s not much of a surprise.
I’d never realized how convenient/natural a joystick is for adjusting your side mirrors. I’m not even sure my wife has the reach to both press a touchscreen in the center console and have her head in driving position to adjust the mirrors with real time feedback. Even I’d hate to have to tweak a mirror while driving with a touchscreen.
Its mainly touchscreen due to two reasons: 1. Touchscreens are significantly cheaper than analog controls. 2. Touchscreens support the ‘publish now, debug later’ approach of Tesla and a lot of Chinese car manufacturers.
Not saying it’s for everyone, but if it’s not accessible from the home screen with a single press I can do without looking I’d rather just use the voice controls to keep my hands on the wheel and eyes on the road.
For someone who’s the primary driver of a vehicle that’s a good option, but there are plenty of Teslas out there that get driven often by secondary drivers who aren’t familiar with the specific voice commands and IMO aren’t going to learn them. Some standardization for controls is a good thing and although physical controls can vary, they’re usually enough alike to easily figure them out. That’s not going to happen with a touch screen.
it *used to look good, but then they fired the former-apple designer and hired some hack who worked on android, and it looks god awful
before: https://www.teslarati.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/model-3-ui-1.jpg
after: https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1400/format:webp/1*zNdNui2-s30EEAqCDy8vRA.jpeg
Spoken like an Apple fan. 🙂
I think they both look nice, but I wouldn’t want to have to actually use either of them, especially while driving a car.