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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Thats some really hard BS.

    How do you think is hit harder by Inflation: someone working for 50 k a year and negotiating a raise every other year or someone with 500 k on the bank?

    Inflation hits the wealthy people the hardest! Not something I despise, but your claim is still complete BS.

    So why do we aim for ‘close to, but below 2 %’ inflation (2nd BS claim: no one aims for 2–3 % inflation). Because it has shown to be the most efficient to reduce unemployment and force rich people and companies to actually invest. Without inflation companies would need to fire people a lot more, since they can’t lower their expenses for their workforce in a different way. And sometimes they are struggling with their productivity and can’t stay competitive in any other way. Lowering wages is not allowed in most countries.

    It also forces rich people to invest. If there’s no inflation, I can just get rich and then do nothing. If the value of my money decreases 2 % each year, I need to actively participate in the economy, at least by lending my money to other companies so that they can invest in new things.

  • In comparison to other countries far right positions are far less common. The post-war generation really changed the society. For example the far right AFD has less than 15 % of public votes (compared to ~30 % in other European countries) and racism – while present – is far less common than for example in China, Russia, US or Japan.

    Its not perfect, but the fact that people shouting far right phrases making national news, shows that the german society hasn’t shifted as far to the right as other countries.

  • Thats not how embassies work. Embassies aren’t a ‘you get out of jail free’ card. Hitler or Putin couldn’t just hide at an embassy and thats it.

    Itt works in a way, that one state offers a second one a piece of land under its protection. That piece of land belongs to the second state as long as the first state allows it. If they want to claim it back, they have to go through a formal process.

    Thats why the actions of Ecuador are unheard of: they offered Mexico a piece of their land under their protection. And then they violated it.

    Israel attacked an embassy of Iran under Syria’s protection. Thats not off the limits but of course can be seen as an attack from both countries.

  • So its fake news because he isnt a member of the green party – and actually never was an advocate of the end of nuclear energy. He was vocal about increasing the run time of nuclear reactors in the public, actually. Also, all german parties – except for the far right – were part of the process and at one point or another confirmed it. There is just no majority in Germany for nuclear power. One of the reasons is the high price (see France, which needs to subsidize their energy prices with billions each year to stay competitive), but also the problem with nuclear waste, which no one wants. Its not like in the US, where we have lot of empty space where no one is bothered.

    Still, the public debate is intense, even though nuclear power was only at 5–10 %. Meanwhile in the last year alone renewables producing 4 % of the energy demand were built. And each year lost by debating, more fossil fuels are burned.

  • Thats straight up wrong.

    1. They didn’t retire them early, but decided not to upgrade them. They where 40 years old and needed massive maintenance now.

    2. Germany was highly dependent on russian gas with nuclear as well – even more, if you consider that Germany got its Uranium from Russia, too. Also Gas and Nuclear Energy fulfill a completly different function. Nuclear is not really flexible, so its a baseload source. Gas is highly flexible, which is the reason its a peak load source. Nuclear competes with renewables and a bit with coal, but not with gas.

    3. No idea where you got this Fakenews, but no politican of the german greens was involved in any scandal with Russia – in fact its the opposite: they have been the most vocal anti-Russia party for years now and warned about dependence on Russia for the last decade already.