Your premise is garbage. A few moments worth of searching:
Sorry I meant almost all the videos are from the US.
They’re not really. In fact, UFO sightings are more evenly distributed across the world than tornado sightings.
Real question is, why are there no UFO’s ever seen from Disneyworld? Quite generous of UFO’s to respect designated no-fly zones.
Even aliens are afraid of The Mouse.
Real question is, why are there no UFO’s ever seen from Disneyworld? Quite generous of UFO’s to respect designated no-fly zones.
They’re painted “Go Away Green”, so while the UFOs are probing Clara, visitors are focused on finding Hidden Mickeys.
Same reason soup is only eaten in Italy.
I mean that’s only on a technicality because you can only call it soup if it’s made in the Soupini region. It’s the same damn thing everywhere else.
Everywhere else it’s minor stew
The perfectly marbled fat on American thighs gives you all such an exquisite flavour.
Because in France they are called Objectè de Aeiouronauté Nonidentifequě.
Read Mirage Men. It’s on Library Genesis / Anna’s Archive or whatever new version of that is around