Imagine just how consistently-offended we guys’d be, if the term for an uncrewed vehicle was “unwomaned”.
So, it was either “womaned” or “unwomaned”.
Insulting-as-hell, right?
It’s equally insulting, the other-way-'round, but we’re concertedly conditioned to feeling it to be “normal”.
That’s the only difference: our imprinting.
This is a decades-old demonstration of how prejudiced it is to use a single pronoun “Mr.” for guys, while using 2 different pronouns for women, depending-on marital-status.
Hofstadter remapped it from married-status-of-women to employed-status-of-blacks, to show how prejudiced it is, in spite of our imprinting.
Consider a reversal:
Imagine just how consistently-offended we guys’d be, if the term for an uncrewed vehicle was “unwomaned”.
So, it was either “womaned” or “unwomaned”.
Insulting-as-hell, right?
It’s equally insulting, the other-way-'round, but we’re concertedly conditioned to feeling it to be “normal”.
That’s the only difference: our imprinting.
This is a decades-old demonstration of how prejudiced it is to use a single pronoun “Mr.” for guys, while using 2 different pronouns for women, depending-on marital-status.
Hofstadter remapped it from married-status-of-women to employed-status-of-blacks, to show how prejudiced it is, in spite of our imprinting.