One of the most common complaints I read about dating apps is how many bots there are, so yeah, for sure add AI into the mix. That’s definitely what people want. Also, if you have to use AI to start a conversation, what are you gonna do when you meet someone in person? Match has really done the most to ruin online dating over the last several years, though, so this just seems like another step on the same path.
You could wear your Apple Vision Pro on the date and use Tinder AI to get live prompts like a modern Cyrano de Bergerac.
It used to be bots. Now it’s one-time profiles of chicks adding their Instagram and OnlyFans.
I see AI chatting with bots in a nonstop loop soon… that’s okay, they can date each other!
Also, if you have to use AI to start a conversation, what are you gonna do when you meet someone in person?
Oops! Didn’t work out. Back to the dating pool again.
Also, if you want to upgrade from Gold dating pool to Platinum dating pool, please insert another $20 into the phone.
As always, there is a relevant XKCD.
There honestly is an XKCD for everything
Just wait til AI makes decisions about your worthiness as an individual. Need a loan? Consult the Demon Box. Need an organ transplant? Demon Box. Eligible for food stamps? The Demon Box has decreed that you must be eliminated
So they can replace the manually faked women by AI generated ones?
Free gpt searches when you match
Its just going to be bots making content and shit for other bots to consume.
We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us.
I’m pretending to work right now. Well, not really pretending. I’m just not working when I’m supposed to be. Last 10 minutes of the day. Fuck it.
Preach brother. I’ve fucked around for 3 hours today so far.
5 min countdown!
Really sticking it to the man.
In the future, people’s designated AIs will determine compatibility with other’s designated AIs.
If our many self-created crises don’t decimate our species and collapse civilization at least. Then those left might actually have to pro-socially interact and cooperate with each other to survive. Scary thought, I know. How the hell are you supposed win and fuck over the other person to get more if you have to cooperate?!
It’s that black mirror episode about the dating simulator.
Local AI girlfriend available in your area.
So we’re teaching it how to be awful? Best part is it’s also getting okcupid so AI is about to get a hell of a lot kinkier, too.
Hang the DJ
My girlfriend really likes my existing wife! And my wife’s boyfriend really loves walks on the beach. In fact he’s probably walking on the beach right now!
It would be interesting to gate actual users behind a week long evaluation… I’m not sure I want ai doing it, but have a trial period to see how active a user is, what they’re looking to use the app for, how they communicate, I’d bet you could get much more accurate results… But then it would also limit the amount of people you work with.
The press release even has a “quote” from chat-GPT even though it is not an AI so is not capable of making the quote without prompting. This is so so stupid.
Isn’t this a lawsuit waiting to happen, since users are shown profiles that are supposed to be real people? NAL