Obviously I gotta rescue the cold ones before atmospheric friction warms them up. After all, we all know the old saying:
“A One that isn’t cold, is scarcely a One at all.”
Yeah I’m not cracking a warmed-due-to-entry-in-atmosphere One with anyone. Much less the boys
Die probably
either my life is ending or the party is starting
i see this as a win-win
I’d call the UK to suck it all up before it lands
Every time I go on an international vacation to a tourist spot, I can tell that the group of mostly pale ass motherfuckers with an Indian-decent or Black dude that are drunk off of their asses acting like fools and laughing all over each other are clearly Brits. Get it together, people. You can’t be going to other people’s countries and getting ripped like that. lol, jk! Y’all are a trip. I’m looking for you guys to see if I can join in.
Oh no, not again.
Yeah the first time was really bad
That’s a funny way of saying “wiped out the dinosaurs”
“Aint nothing that a beer cant fix” Yeah about that…
Die? No way that’s not ELE.
Drink up delicious beer from the heavens mmm thank you
But is it gluten free at least?
oh god I hope so
Have a pint and wait until it all blows over.
Idk that’s a huge infusion of fresh water onto earth. It might save some lives as it gets added to the water cycle.
Save the pint, save the world
Pray to Thor that he may drink it all before it hits us
I’d be glad the glass’s trajectory missed my spacesuit while I haul ass back into my ship. That none of this makes any sense whatsoever is clearly not the point.