The blue LED was supposed to be impossible—until a young engineer proposed a moonshot idea. Head to to start your free 30-da...
This video makes me not want to buy anything from Nichia. Nakamura invented a commercially successful product they made billions from, and Nichia rewarded him with nothing.
They harassed him for years to stop working on the things that saved them then gave him 170 dollars per patent and 60k a year then sued the shit out of him when he left. He basically only got enough money from the countersuit to cover his legal expenses after they fought tooth and nail to appeal.
That company deserved to go bankrupt due to their shitty company culture and they punish the one guy that saved them from themselves.
Just like any other user through a history containing high-enough-quality interactions.
It is a flag set manually, so a malicious/undercover bot would not have it set. It’s more odd than suspicious.
I did look into your comments and saw no bot-like ones at all, which is why I asked. Is it like a stylistic decision or are you procrastinating actually developing the bot?
This video makes me not want to buy anything from Nichia. Nakamura invented a commercially successful product they made billions from, and Nichia rewarded him with nothing.
They harassed him for years to stop working on the things that saved them then gave him 170 dollars per patent and 60k a year then sued the shit out of him when he left. He basically only got enough money from the countersuit to cover his legal expenses after they fought tooth and nail to appeal.
That company deserved to go bankrupt due to their shitty company culture and they punish the one guy that saved them from themselves.
Why are you flagged as a bot?
Definitely not a bot. Not sure how I would disprove it though. Maybe send me pictures of crosswalks?
Just like any other user through a history containing high-enough-quality interactions.
It is a flag set manually, so a malicious/undercover bot would not have it set. It’s more odd than suspicious.
I did look into your comments and saw no bot-like ones at all, which is why I asked. Is it like a stylistic decision or are you procrastinating actually developing the bot?
Found it. I must have set it accidentally when I configured the account. Thank you for pointing out that it’s a manually set flag.
np glad to helpgood bot, keep fixing dat 4 me