Do you drink the cereal-flavored milk straight from the bowl? I grew up doing this because my parents taught me how good that milk tastes. As I’ve gotten older, I feel a little self-conscious about doing it in public. It’s not something I notice other non-children doing.

Editing to add: I do drink the milk from the bowl. As to when I’m eating it “in public:” hotels mostly. Self-conscious was probably the wrong word. I’m more wondering if people silently judge a grown person drinking cereal milk from the bowl. Not losing sleep if they do, just curious.

    1 year ago

    I’m so confused by this whole thread. I’m quite upset that some people are throwing away this food. Just use less milk FFS! I volunteer with a food-waste-prevention environmental group. Over 1/3 of all food that’s grown is wasted and so it really annoys me when people don’t eat everything they put on their plate. Plus I grew up poor so I still can’t fathom people being so wasteful.

    As for everyone else, you ate most of your milk with the spoon, why can’t you finish the job with the spoon? Do you all have strangely shaped bowls that make it impossible or something?

    I’m feeling an intense culture shock (given how minor this thing is) from this. Kinda reminds me of the two ways to wipe thing from a while back, where it never even occured to me that there’s a different way than just using your spoon. Crazy.