Top 10-25 games articles are all the same and obvious. Are there some less known or even obscure games, including bad-that-it’s-good ones, we can have fun with? What’s your experience with them? Bonus points if you played via an emulator.
They are not hidden gems buuuuut, i love Sleeping Dogs and Driver: San Francisco
Sleeping Dogs is absolutely fantastic
I played Ico (from shadow of the colossus + Ico HD) through RPCS3 and it’s easily one of the best games I played.
Tokyo Jungle always looked like an interesting game to me, but I never got the chance to play it
Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazzard
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Puppeteer, Asura’s Wrath, Sound Shapes, LittleBigPlanet Kart, Tokyo Jungle, Dead Nation. All great games nobody seems to talk about.
Late to the party but Dragon’s Crown was a great throw back to the old fantasy beatem up genre.
I mostly used my PS3 to play PS2 games honestly. That is, amusingly, also the main thing I use RPCS3 for.
I pretty much keep the Jak and Daxter collection, and the Sly Collection on my PC 24/7.
Nier replicant (Ps3)
Hehe, already played it after Automata, and then replayed it as a remaster. FUCK THESE EAGLE EGGS!!111 - is a small portrayal of my loving frustration with that game.
Is there anything like that outside of Taroverse?