I imagine a kid who’s smart enough to use a vpn, downloading a bunch of videos, and then selling usb drives to their friends at school, or sharing them via gdrive
I imagine a kid who’s smart enough to use a vpn, downloading a bunch of videos, and then selling usb drives to their friends at school, or sharing them via gdrive
Yes, it’s really good! I do think that it can become a bit repetitive towards the end, but it’s worth it for the beginning moments of exploration and discovery. If you haven’t played a similar game like Morrowind before, I’d recommend looking for a guide that would explain character creation and skills. I never played the original, so I am no purist and would encourage you to check out some QoL mods and definitely turn on smaller dungeons in the settings, even for a first playtrough. Have fun, if you decide to try it!
Youtube search results have been garbage for a while now :(
If I had a Vita, I’d play Silent Hill Book of Memories. I heard it’s a really bad game, but as a Silent Hill fan, I’d still like to try it as it is exclusive to that console.
Also, Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3 on a handheld sound pretty cool
I’ve donated to Signal and the web archive
Hasn’t changed much since
Tokyo Jungle always looked like an interesting game to me, but I never got the chance to play it
Is this service paid? If not, how are they making any money? All I can think of is a) selling users data (and lying) b) selling spots in search results, which means they’ll be overrun with malicious links or other useless garbage. I don’t believe they’re just hosting a search engine out of the kindness of their hearts (:
I’m so used to navigating in Eternity at this point that all other apps seem clunky and unintuitive
But isn’t randomization supposed to give you a different unique fingerprint each time? So yes, you would be unique and easily tracked but only until your fingerprint changes
It doesn’t need to be maintained if it still works on the latest update of the browser. Also, uBlock is not a full replacement, if there will be a full replacement that is maintained, I’ll gladly switch
XMPP sounds like a good idea, however, switching to Signal and convincing the 3 contacts I have there to switch as well wasn’t very easy and I don’t think I could pull it off again in the near future.
http://digdeeper.club/articles/addons.xhtml#umatrix Read the update from January 2022
By track I mean collect information about me, my browsing habits, my interests. By big tech I really mean any company, but mostly the FANG ones. Could you provide some good resources on how to do these public searches? I assume you don’t just mean to look up my full name on Google.
Thank you! uMatrix is a browser extension that makes it very easy to block any third party requests a website makes by category. For example, if example.com loads fonts from Google that is considered a third party request. Or if it tries to set a Facebook cookie. uMatrix shows a table (or a matrix) of all the request addresses and categories and you can click on them to block/allow them.
What about the ads in the start menu? For candy crush or tiktok
Whenever I’m not ar work and a work thought pops into my head I just think “they aren’t paying me to think about this now” and then just start thinking about something else
Wouldn’t multicore rendering give more frames?
How about you stop assuming everyone on the internet lives in the USA?