oh I finally get what you’re saying. You’re taking issue with calling that room “rest” room instead of “toilet”
but seeing as “toilet” literally means “a small piece of cloth” - if we’re going to go down that path, why are you calling both the room and it’s commode a piece of cloth?
There are many reasons toilets are called the restroom dated back in history. However these days it’s mostly just considered a polite way of taking care of one’s business, without projecting to a partner that you may be taking a massive duce.
Right I’m confused.
You’re in the bedroom but they go to the restroom
Which fucking one are they in?
I’m in my kitchen right now
now im in my living room
how are you handling that?
You don’t live in your kitchen
You don’t rest in your toilet
Unless, like I say, throwing a whitey
oh I finally get what you’re saying. You’re taking issue with calling that room “rest” room instead of “toilet”
but seeing as “toilet” literally means “a small piece of cloth” - if we’re going to go down that path, why are you calling both the room and it’s commode a piece of cloth?
You’ve never seen a bedroom with an attached restroom?
I’ve never seen anyone rest on a toilet
Wait, no, I have done while throwin a whitey
They earn a dollar while I earn a dime that’s why I shit on company time.
Congrats for always having had good bosses.
restroom == bathroom
So there has to be a bath in it? Is that not inconvenient?
The place with the toilet that you poop in.
The toilet! Gotcha!
It’s the room where you rest your butt to poop. The restroom.
It’s where I rest my brain from the stupid at work. Being able to sit on a nasty commode with my nethers exposed is a bonus.
There are many reasons toilets are called the restroom dated back in history. However these days it’s mostly just considered a polite way of taking care of one’s business, without projecting to a partner that you may be taking a massive duce.
are you not familiar with houses having attached bathrooms in the master bedroom?
Its a thing here in NA for suburban homes, and for houses in europe to some degree im guessing.