Mine is people insult me by pointing out my username but I am immune having been the one who chose it.
Haha your username is… kinda cool actually.:-D
Mine is long rants about irrelevant shit.
I can trace every problem back to capitalism.
My antipower is my inability to dedicate the time I want to here. Uni and work keep me too busy. I wish I could keep my community here more active. )=
Did you remove your upvote? You crazy.
Yes, I don’t deserve an upvote from myself, of course I agree with me and think I contribute to the conversation.
Here’s one on me; but really that’s your superpower.
Mine is commenting on the worrisomely prolific violent rhetoric towards GOP members and getting downvoted into oblivion
Rhetoric isn’t killing republicans, living in red states is; check the homicide rates.
Violent? No. I abhor violence.
They just need to fuck off and die.
I have a smiley addiction and can’t stop using them :)
Addiction destroys friendships and families… =)
I respect everyone’s wrong opinion.
As you can see, I’m a genius
I defederated all instances
Not sure if this falls under that or not, but I’ve observed it’s surprisingly frequent that people act out of character when I’m in the equation. I never understood why.
I have the best takes on LLMs and image generation models
Invanting new spellingz foe old werdz.
I have the power to be a Theocratic Fascist or and most left-wing Arachnocommunist depending on who I’m arguing with. I don’t know how it works either
Most of the time I see you putting up badly researched and argued bad faith positions.
What exactly is a cumfart?
If you’re over the age of consent I can show you.
Sowy mister I dwont thwink thas a gwood idwheel.
I am. Show me.