I want to know what Japan is like from people who actually live in Japan especially after seeing some misleading posts online from people who don’t live in Japan & people misunderstanding something resulting in people being misleadingly negative about Japan
I’m a permanent resident of Japan and am raising a family here. I think you would get better responses if you posed more specific questions, or provided examples of what kind of misunderstandings people have experienced and posted about online.
I find Japan a pleasant place to live, but it is far from perfect, just like any society. The cost of living is quite reasonable compared to many other countries, which makes the lower salaries go further.
People are generally friendly, but you sometimes have to read between the lines, as people tend to be less direct so as to avoid confrontation (“It is a little difficult” is a polite way to say “No!” for example).
Anyway, if you have any other questions I’ll be around.
[Lemmy] dominates English-speaking sites, and most Japanese people don’t use this site because they can’t speak English. Therefore, we cannot get answers from actual Japanese people.
translation by Google
How I feel browsing mastodon and it’s not anywhere near as bad as the inverse for other countries.
Don’t use Google translate because it will get Japanese / 日本語 wrong
I can verify that google translate got some things right but I don’t know all the kana & kanji in that scentence yet to be able to read it
I only understood a some words in that scentence because I haven’t yet learned enough Japanese to read that fully
I haven’t learned that big of a wordset yet as I’m primarily focusing on learning grammer at the moment before continuing to learn vocabulary
Many parts of Japan are stunningly beatiful. The largest cities are some of the most overwhelming places I’ve ever been, but everything works much better than you might expect.
The people are generally respectful and kind if you are the same. I found people to be generally tolerant of unintended rudeness from a foreigner, especially if you apologize. Jokes and humility go a long way.
There’s a TON of Japanese people there. Like, they’re freaking EVERYWHERE.
To this point, the Tokyo skytree may be the most entertaining place I’ve ever been. You can see so much life happening all around, you can see how far Tokyo sprawls, you can see how large the breadth of humanity can be. If you intensely focus on one small spot of the city, you see a myopic little section, but then you raise up, and see the entirety of “Civilization”. It’s super impressive. I expected that it would be fun to see, and maybe spend 20 minutes up there looking around. I spent almost 3 hours just examining life.
I’m sure places like this exist elsewhere, Tokyo seems like the perfect place for it though.
Highly recommend sitting in a cafe in Montmartre Paris. Especially one looking down those spindly small roads. Excellent place to watch humanity on a micro scale.
There’s a Japanese YouTuber my japanese learning friend would watch called “that Japanese man Yuta” who goes into this
I know about yuta because I am learning Japanese but I don’t think I have seen their other videos outside of learning Japanese
Right now I’m slowly working my way through grammer at a pace that works for me
Do the videos help? I tried Duolingo with learning languages and nothing stuck from them.
With Duolingo, it really helps if you’ve got someone else to practice with who’s working on the same language (or already knows it).
If you’re trying to learn Japanese, wanikani for kanji and bunpro for grammar have been the best resources I’ve found. People recommend to just use anki but I don’t have the time to customize decks and mine sentences for hours on end. Wanikani and bunpro set up a structure that’s easy to follow and understand. I’ve loved using them over the past year.
You could try kanji garden
It is anki like in the way it uses spaced repition but is specifically for kanji though if I remember correctly you can’t customise it like an anki deck
Doesn’t work on foldables for whatever reason. Actually the only app I’ve come across that I can’t install lol. Thanks for the recommendation though
Yeah they help but I mainly use them as supplementary information now because hearing the same information explained differently from other sources does help me understand something that may be explained in a way I don’t understand in a specific source
I mainly use the resources from: https://morg.systems/58465ab9
And I also created a github page that lists the other resources that I use though I don’t update it that often:
With duolingo and apps like them I don’t actually use them because they don’t allow you to structure your learning to best help you learn
Check out Mrs Eats on youtube
In one sentence or less.