Converting and downloading ringtones was such a pain. It was almost worth paying $2.99 plus $20 in data charges for a 30 second clip that sounds like it’s playing on a victrola.
Actually did this for O Green World by Gorillaz when I was 13 in '05. When the bill came in, my dad beat me senseless with those old jumper cables. Man, I loved that funky little ringtone.
Two throwbacks in one.
Bonus points if you transferred the file to your phone via IR.
I found a better quality image of this photo but I still don’t have any idea what the hell is going on
The person appears to be wearing a diaper. And in the top right corner there’s a post with what appears to be Hebrew writing.
In the right side of the picture there’s a collection of remote controls and I’ve counted several phones and calculators scattered about.
Given the disorganized appearance, and the 5 dollar headphones, I’ll venture a guess that this person is not so much a professional anything, as much as a Middle Eastern hermit wackjob.
A lot of radio equipment.
BBC News on the monitor.
Maps of Iran on the wall.
I’d bet on amateur/independent journalist picking up as much radio traffic as possible.
Nah, that’s a hoarder.
Definitely a hoarder too, but too much is on for them to not be using any of it.
Mickey Gurdus, an Israeli ham radio operator and media listener. In the age before the internet he used to listen to every transmission he could find from his homemade lab.
You know it smell crazy in there
y’all remember the “ring back” tones? i don’t think they ever really took off since they are a ring tone that people hear when they call you instead, which is… just… totally idiotic… but i did encounter it a few times in the wild.
It’s not idiotic, it’s awesome! Of course I remember it, I had a great one.
But… you never get to hear it because when do you ever call yourself? So it’s just subjecting everyone else to a song that they may not even like… And besides, the quality was like listening to an underwater phonograph cylinder.
(obviously don’t know your music taste; you may actually have had a great song of decent quality. but i wouldn’t trust everyone with that power lol)
I had something like Danger Zone, or Eye of the Tiger, to get people pumped up when they called me. I don’t remember exactly, but I thought it was fun. Nobody cared if it’s a good song. It was just a neat little gimmick at a distinct moment in time.
I guess its gone from America but it is still very popular in india … partly because the Network Providers give it as a free feature … neat cause my friends never pick up quickly
Is the quality not trash anymore? Maybe it’s gotten better and i didn’t notice, but music over the telephone has always sounded muddy and distorted to me.
It’s INSANELY popular in Iran and pushed hard by the service providers
I used to have a different ring tone for every friend. I still think of them when I hear “their” song.
The Saw killer planning his next 10 films worth of traps.
It’s still like that with iphones
In some ways though that was kind of part of the fun. You had to really want the song to be willing to do that lol
Unless it’s changed recently I still had to do that for whenever I used my iPhone. Couldn’t get audio to be a ringtone and had to run iTunes and do some conversion weirdness.
iPhone is pretty weak for that but you can also use Garageband on your phone to do the conversion.
Yup, on my Audiovox 8910, using a special USB cable and some obscure qualcom softwares, to access the “file system” and put a wav at the right place, and it had to be mono 8bits or something.
I didn’t want to pay $5 for a 10 seconds ringtones sample of a song. I did it myself :)
I remember programming the songs by pressing the buttons in the right order from some website.
every time someone reposts this I wonder if this is one of those AI generated photos in which everything in the photo looks vaguely identifiable but it’s not really identifiable because it’s AI and not real. But the man is a man. I know that much.
No I can see some stuff I can recognize
ah ok