Back in his day a small dick was considered civilized and even divine. A large dick was considered brutish and barbaric.
Funny what happens when the small dicked get into positions of influence
Bro is the original "you did a (thing) my dad will hear about it " guy.
or that he is his dad
Or that his dad is in the small dick.
I can’t touch the bottom of a tuna can, but I can blow the sides out of it!
Why the hell ya sticking your dick in a tuna can?
It’s the only place that reminds me of her.
Look who’s talking, stick man
It’s to be a lesson to someone else, or something. Idk.
Is that Mormon Jesus I spy?
That’s him. I’ve only ever seen a middle-eastern Jesus displayed in my church building once, but it looked much better than this one. I wish we didn’t use this depiction as much as we do.
Man, momo Jesus is a dick.