This kinda shit is at least part of the reason the fastest growing religion in America is “none.”
Exactly! They know their book says “love your neighbor” and care for the widow, the orphan & the stranger, but they don’t even vaguely do anything like that.
And our most famous monument says “give me your tired, your hungry, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”
But I guess that only belongs to Texans who have had that freedom their whole life and are threatened by others seeking the same thing.
not anymore, they removed that part already from the statue of liberty
They’re going to be shocked when their time comes and Christ denies knowing them.
These convoy people… false religion…
If there’s one thing Jesus was consistent about, it’s that poor refugees seeking shelter should be ruthlessly murdered by drowning in a river tangled in razor wire.
Pretty sure that’s in the gospels.
I believe that’s in the book of Donald, 6:66
6:66 is a long-ass chapter in that particular book. Covers a lot.
666 is the address of one of their buildings in NY.
its old testament genocide : kill the canaanites, every last man, woman, and child
Y’all Queda is mobilizing.
Quesadilla is what I was thinking xD
So they’re basically ISIS
Y’all Kaida
Al Shabubba.
Gravy Seals
(What their mothers are)
Minivan Taliban.
This one in particular :-D
Nah they love their trucks.
Vanilla ISIS
Most likely scenario is that they drive around in their trucks waving both flags of the US and flags of traitors to the US, block traffic, and post to Facebook.
Worst case scenario, there is a wave a of hate crimes as these hyped up fascists try to “defend America” by picking fights with any random brown person they see.
Best case scenario, they try messing with federal agents, get arrested, and wont be voting in November.
My best case scenario has a trebuchet for them
Toss a 90 kg insurrectionist over 300 meters.
So only the meth heads?
I assume this is in reaponse to the weight of 90 kilograms? 90 kilograms is about 200lbs rounded up so probably more than just meth heads and Olympic gymnasts.
I unfortunately know a lot of MAGATS, and only the meth heads tip the scales at less than 90kg.
Fair point
Over the border to Mexico.
Maybe they’ll be hoisted in their own razor wire.
Or they will get themselves shot by federal law enforcement or the military.
The first scenario is basically what happened with the convoys in DC a while back. Every day, they’d drive down, drive around a while, and then leave. I live in the DC area, but don’t drive in DC often, but from what I heard, the impact was minimal.
I don’t know how many trucks were involved, but I do know those trucks are expensive to buy and maintain, too expensive to keep running them in non-revenue service like that for long.
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“Useful idiots” was the KGB’s term.
Russians are adding fuel to the fire, but they didn’t start it.
most this stuff comes out of nutters like Alex Jones that think they get secret info from god and profess to fighting a war with satan while they do coke every night.
It’s interesting because no one could believe Alex Jones or any of these greedy mega/maga church leaders if they came at it neutrally, they believe because they want to, because acting like they believe it benefits them.
But then such a cult gets built up you start getting true believes who are so caught up in the cult that they can’t think anything else. People feel the need to prove how much they belive so they join these crazy groups and movements, they love putting on a big show of being a warrior for the cause but of course they don’t want to actually mess up their life because then they wouldn’t need the excuse to be selfish… So they do meaningless things like go to protect the boarder knowing full well what everyone knows - it’s just some roads with gates there’s nothing interesting or even slightly dangerous there.
Oh all this s*** absolutely stinks of interference. They want to start riots. Half this f****** governors are probably on the Russian payroll.
There’s so much fucking crazy in just the first two paragraphs of that article:
A trucker convoy of “patriots” is heading to the U.S. border with Mexico next week, as the standoff between Texas and the federal government intensifies. The organizers of the “Take Our Border Back” convoy have called themselves “God’s army” and say they’re on a mission to stand up against the “globalists” who they claim are conspiring to keep U.S. borders open and destroy the country.
“This is a biblical, monumental moment that’s been put together by God,” one convoy organizer said on a recent planning call. “We are besieged on all sides by dark forces of evil,” said another. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God. It is time for the remnant to rise.” (The remnant, from the Book of Revelation, are the ones who remain faithful to Jesus Christ in times of crisis).
I’m a pagan so maybe I’m misinterpreting but I did read the Bible in catholic school and I’m pretty sure Jesus said to do the opposite of this. I’m pretty sure he’d be saying that we should see each family as though they were Jose, Maria, and their baby Jesus as no different than Yusef, Miriam, and Ieshiua 2000 years ago. I’m pretty certain that was in fact his entire point though he’d also be saying that single 20 year old men also should be welcomed because they’re either good or lost and able to be redeemed.
The thing is…what may Christians believe is based less on what Jesus said and more on what suit-wearing, vitriol-spewing grifters tell them.
Why on earth would “peacemakers” need the probably mobile armories those idiots are carrying?
Fucking brain dead morons sacrificing their livelihoods for the party that is actively blocking any action on securing the border.
That’s the whole game, create problems and stop progress so you can claim that you are the only group capable of solving it. This is just an op to try and smear the Ds
A lot of untreated mental health issues making themselves visible in those two paragraphs. If only their parents hugged them once in awhile when they were kids maybe they’d be productive members of society instead.
The Hypocrisy is palpable. Where in Christ’s teachings does it say to use razor wire and allow women and Children to drown to protect your way of life?! These Chuds are as much antichrists as 45.
Lol, it always comes back to an intellectually deficient group of morons and their baseless deity.
Lol buncha incels. Grown ass men who have families and shit to do, even if they share the same politics, wouldnt be caught dead doing this shit.
Same group of morons pretended to be truckers in Canada to protest vaccination mandates.
Ads for the convoy have gone up on 40 digital billboards in Florida, Texas, Louisiana, and California, courtesy of a “private donor” whose identity organizers would not disclose.
Oh, I’m willing to bet:
It’s six letters.
Starts with an R
Ends with an A
And is currently getting absolutely decimated with mothballed weapons we last used 15 years or so ago.
Would you like to buy a vowel?
I’ll take two vowels, Pat!
Christian ISIS
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Ffs can you lot just have your civil war already so the rest of us can deal with the fall out
Wont even be a civil war. National guard will fall in line and in the event of Texas actually seceding from the Union, they will find out exactly how much money the US sinks into their state to keep it afloat while their own elected officials flee the first power grid failure
Honestly as a non yank I’m bored just do the fucking thing and let the world get on with it.
Deal with your fuckwits or let them roll over you (and yhe rest of us)
I’m just sick of the will the won’t they and I say that as someone who has to deal with Boris Johnsons ilk
Its just political drama. Republicans pull bullshit every election year to rile up their base and get them to vote
As a yank. Agreed. Let em succeed. See what happens.
Not to mention a battalion of weekend warriors will fall overnight.
Assuming they don’t abandon the cause as soon as the first shot is fired and hits one of them.
Sounds an awful lot like levying war against the United States, or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.
Ah yes, its right there in the Bible for anyone to read… Only it isn’t.
What do you mean? Texas clearly is the land promised!