What is a cherry apple? Asking for a friend, who is a chicken.
What is a cherry apple? Asking for a friend, who is a chicken.
OK thanks. This makes sense. I guess if I’m going to go through the trouble of whitelisting the MAC, I can go and disable randomization on the device and assign it a static IP.
I see. Thanks.
What other way is there if the the IP is dynamic. I thought to create a whitelist for devices I had to add the client’s MAC to the custom group. It seems to work fine so far. I was just concerned that it wouldn’t continue to work if the iPhone changed its MAC.
But we saved money, right?
That’s OK. I spent a few wasted seconds trying to find the “circuit.”
But do you really have to show your friends every time?
It’s probably accurate. Imagine cubicles and desks smoldering in a filthy, smokey heap, copy machines smashed through the windows, sparking electrical conduit dangling from the ceiling. It’s likely madness.
I thought they banned the shoplifting subs. No?
I have the same question. It seems like a step backwards.
This fucking moron thought cans of liquid gasoline would explode?
How do I access the CLI on my phone?
Get a Kill-a-Watt meter.
Well of course it’s censorship. It’s NBC. Owned by Comcast. Colin is thinking of the shareholders. Why aren’t you?
What does this mean? What use would “their clients” need access to your network? What are they routing to through your network and how does that help with efficiency?
Does reddit have paid mods now? How do they instantly get a new moderation team together?
America should really fix their public transport already.
Say what’s in it for the private corporations that ran it into the ground and America will listen. Won’t you people stop for one second and think of the shareholders?!
Challenge accepted.
You should see the hot tub parties.