Gen Z falls for online scams more than their boomer grandparents do. The generation that grew up with the internet isn’t invulnerable to becoming the victim of online hackers and scammers.::undefined
Gen Z falls for online scams more than their boomer grandparents do. The generation that grew up with the internet isn’t invulnerable to becoming the victim of online hackers and scammers.::undefined
Exposure to technology does not automatically breed expertise. I have a 15 year old. Smart phones have existed for her entire life. She knows how to use Snapchat and take goofy selfies. That’s where her expertise ends. Any time anything is wrong, she sounds like her grandma complaining “mY mOdEm DoEsNt WoRk!” It’s not a modem grandma! That’s your computer! Most of her friends are the same way.
And “WiFi” is synonymous for “Interenet connection” to them.
Yea, kiddo, the WiFi is working just fine, but the ISP crapped its pants and you can’t connect to anything past this house.
My partner is a millennial who grew up with computers, but never got too technical with them. She was confused when I told her that our WiFi was down at the router, but we still had an internet connection.
“If we have internet, why can’t I connect?”
“But you said we still have an internet connection.”
“…but if there’s no WiFi, why does the cable work?”
Not to mention most ISP marketing is pretty loose in its terminology. Most if not all radio or tv ads these days seem to interchange internet and wifi as if they are one and the same on a daily basis.
ie. All ads stating something along the lines of “subscribe to whole home wifi for a low monthly fee.”
I have too many conversations on both sides of the age gap trying to explain the difference between supplying your own router with its own wifi capabilities as opposed to a ISP modem/router combo.