I highly doubt that poverty will ever be eradicated, unless we do something like shoot billionaires into the sun once they reach a billion.
Why do you think thats the solution to ending poverty?
You’re right, why throw perfectly good billionaire meat into the sun? We can eat them at home instead.
Just keep cutting off toes to treat your diabetes without addressing the root cause right?
Well, obviously we’d take their money AND eat them. Luckily billionaires are low in carbs.
Poverty will never be eradicated, what kind of nonsense is that? The poverty is a feature of capitalism, not a bug.
Right, I’m sure there’s actually plans to eradicate poverty… more likely there’s plans to eradicate the impoverished.
The current system we operate in requires poverty to function. It requires people to be desperate so that they work for the oligarchs and, it requires the absolute destitute to exist to serve as a warning to the masses. If poverty didn’t exist our capitalist world would simply create it.
The Nature of Capitalism
These countries are not under developed, they’re over exploited.
Here’s the full lecture by Michael Parenti if you’re interested.
The yellow lecture? Collect 2 Marxist points and get back in the bread line. /s
Lol i love the precision of this forecast: 229 and not 230
Poverty will never be eradicated. At no point in human civilization have we managed to eliminate poverty, and as long as there are rich people needing to extract maximum profits from fellow humans there will always be poor people.
It only makes sense that we collectively eat the first trillionaire.
Tbh I’d guess that it’s unlikely that we’ll have a trillionaires at all. Hiding wealth will become easier and easier and I don’t think anyone wants that rep in “eat the billionaires” sort of public climate.
I agree about hiding wealth and all that, but is the public climate actually “eat the billionaires?” Because I basically only see that in left-wing spaces. Normies still seem to be doing a ton of boot licking tbh. I do live in a pretty conservative area though so maybe that’s biased?
229 years sounds too optimistic to me. I don’t count on poverty ever being eradicated
We have far greater productivity than at any other point in human history and we still have tons of poverty, even in places like the EU and US. I believe we have the capability but not the willingness. Who’s to say we’ll ever have the willingness.
229 years from now is gonna be some kind of mad max bullshit.
But, in 229 years, will a Trillionaire be classed as Poverty?
Sweet, I could be a trillonaire by the time poverty will be eradicated. All I have to do is save $498,500 every single hour until then.
Ah shit, I’m already $124,619 behind.
Damn, really falling behind now. Gotta find a way to make up that 11,964,000 I’m short for the last day.
How are things coming along now?
Not good. Just shy of 12 million short…
That’s ok. Just keep working hard at pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and I’m sure you’ll get there eventually. Since you’re so close, you should probably start voting against taxes on the rich now. That way you won’t have to worry about the damn greedy welfare queens taking your hard earned money once you’ve made it.
At least we will know who to kill.
Poverty won’t be eradicated ever. Not ever.
That 229 figure is bullshit. Either all the impoverished will perish, be killed, or move underground into a less opulent/more satisfying culture where rat burgers reign supreme well before then or the real number is “fuck off you poor piece of trash.”
I had stuff to say but yeah, all that is said. Agreed.