(if you don’t want to go through all my strident words) Thus, after this rant, my question is: where do I start from to build my surviving kit and my right to be private and disclose personal information to who and when I want to. How I become the actual owner of my device?

(I’m Italian, sorry for my Englishi) I feel I’m enduring too many aspects of my everyday life. Because of my scarce knowledge on many things I am enforced to accept other’s companies decisione. My approach toward The mega companies who, in my view, are owning Internet is obsolete and definitely ineffective: I don’t use X, FB, instagram, TIK TOK and I boycott Amazon. I just use YT, via freetube, reVanced and Newpipe, until this will be possible. (but, alas, I pay to use chatgpt 4, rather useful tool sometimes) I don’t own a sufficient knowledge to use the net ad the mobile phone to riaffirm my independence and anonimity in this once beautiful world of collective enthusiasts and clever people that once was internet.
Also I find infuriating that I’m spied constantly for the simple fact of using a device that I bought with my money and that from the has never be mine but Google’s. I am just sick of it, but I, repeat, don’t have the knowledge to switch and turn into a citizen who strolls in the world of internet without being followed by ‘people’ who wants to sell you constantly something and wants to profile you. I find this too aggressive and unbearable. Thus, after this rant, my question is: where do I start from to build my surviving kit and my right to be private and disclose personal information to who and when I want to? **** How the f**k I defend myself from these greedy psycopaths (in the film 'Don’t look up: Peter Isherwell, the billionaire CEO of BASH Cellular, was a pricelees portrait of people I cannot stand and for humanity are more harmful thant covid-19)

  • ultranaut@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Nextdns or a pihole would be a good first step. Blocking tracker and ad domains (and whatever else you want) at the DNS level is fairly easy and inexpensive to accomplish. I use nextdns on my router and on every device that leaves my home network, it took less than an hour to get everything set up.

      • novalex@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        That’s your cue to research. You’re gonna have to get technical and learn about these options if you plan to up your privacy game. In short though, both will handle DNS queries from your devices and block those that are known for ad serving or tracking purposes. That way you essentially have an ad-blocker on your entire network, rather than on each device or browser.

        • vanveen@lemmy.worldOP
          1 year ago

          where do I start from scratch, taking into account that English isn’t my mother tongue and Italian is? Could you point me a guide, video, something for dummies that can explain, and is authentically conceived to educate and teach to person like me who wanto to learn but 4 times out of 5 ends up with frustration for the jargon and language for initiated the is in forums often spoken?

          • novalex@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            I see, not many guides in my native language either, but I think the respective websites are explaining things well enough and if they don’t have an italian translation available already Google Translate should do the job.

            NextDNS is probably your best bet, as it can be setup on your devices or router directly and is not as technical to get started: https://nextdns.io/

            For Pi-hole you will need a dedicated device on your network, like a laptop or Raspberry Pi, or a router with custom firmware. On it you install the software, and after that it will basically act as your own instance of NextDNS, and you can point your devices to it for DNS resolution: https://pi-hole.net/

            Disclaimer: i am also just getting started with these tools, still in research phase with not a lot of free time to invest in it so if i made any mistakes explaining i apologise, and definitely understand your frustration.

            • vanveen@lemmy.worldOP
              1 year ago

              thanks a lot, very very kind. A curiousity: why google translate and not deepL that seems way more accurate than the previous?

              • novalex@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                I wasn’t aware of DeepL actually. Google Translate had been my go-to service for a long time so I never searched for another one, but DeepL looks promising , I’ll have to give it a try, and you should certainly use it instead of Google if you know it’s better.