NordVPN literally will not let me delete my account. My 3 years is over, there is no method to delete when signed in to their site. You have to fill out a form with your payment details and shit to “verify your identity” (who remembers that shit from 3 years ago).
Literally emailed from the email associated with the account, called, logged in, etc. they won’t delete it until I send my credit card info in the clear, over insecure email.
Contact your bank or credit card company and explain, they will take care of it. Source: I was in a similar situation a few years ago, just not VPN related.
What prevents you from revoking your payment mandate at your bank?
In Europe at least, your bank must honor this request and there’s nothing your debtor can do about except spending 1000’s to recover at most 3 months of payments with the current legal apparatus in Europe.
It’s not that they’re trying to stop payments but to delete the account entirely. Stopping was easy when I did it but I haven’t tried deleting my account.
I agree with them though fuck nordvpn.
Try to log in from Europe, or change the details of your account to day Europe. Because with gdpr in Europe they are obligated to let you delete it.
there’s something incredibly satisfyingly ironic about using a vpn to cancel your vpn
He used the vpn to destroy the vpn
Literally illegal
Lol they won’t let me change my email address.
The email account has been closed for 6 months now and the bank account/debit card they want me to verify my payment with has been closed for years
My credit card got stolen a few months back and it’s been great for my finances. All this shit chrging me 10 dollars here and there without me noticing that I haven’t been using.
I’ve only reactivated a few things.
Fuck them. Next force gyms and newspapers to allow you to cancel with one click.
Or just force all subscriptions to allow you to cancel with one click
I’m so lucky, my gym membership auto cancels if I don’t pay in advance.
By law, anything should be a one click to cancel service, instead of the maze they send you through.
Xbox live, gyms, etc.
Yeah, these services don’t have to add much friction to trap vulnerable folks like the elderly. Obscure the cancel button under a couple menu levels and dark patterns and they have people trapped for life. It can be very insidious
The one thing where I agree with cable companies about is the risk to consumers accidentally canceling all or multiple services when they intend to just cancel one. It will be hard to explain that a package price will no longer apply if one part of the package is canceled.
However- it can be addressed with a well-designed cancelation instruction screen. This is a constraint to the communication and process design; it is not an insurmountable barrier like the cable companies are suggesting.
I have a feeling they’ll make it difficult to use. Then when people do it accidentally because of they’re shitty UI, they’ll point to that and say, “see?!”
No one will ever be in danger of accidently cancelling everything. The system will be intentionally designed so that you can only cancel one thing at a time, and that will be obtuse as possible. There will be a great risk of thinking you’ve cancelled something when it hasn’t been cancelled, which will only be resolved by calling customer service.
You’ll go through six to eight pages to cancel each item, and when you’ve done that you’ll get a confirmation email that will require you to click on something, log in, and confirm the changes for them to actually apply to your account. If you get the confirmation email and do nothing, your changes will not save.
There will be a slew of angry customers calling customer service, who’s job it will be to give back as little money as possible and retain every customer that calls. That job will be so awful that someone working that job will commit suicide because of it. The cable company will see that and market it as a success to their shareholders, and as an “easy cancel anytime” in advertising.
When I was younger I remember buying credit cards with a set balance on them to pay for subscriptions that seemed shady.
If cancelling was anything except convenient, I’d just use up the balance on my next trip to the grocery store, then shred the fucker and forget about it. Company XYZ could then have fun trying to bleed a rock.
Only downside is that was a pain in the ass too, but at least kept the control in my hands.
Wondering if any banks have a way to set this up as a kind of partition on your account? Never looked into that approach but it seems like such an obvious solution.
Anyone got tips for this kind of thing? is literally the digital equivalent of what you were talking about. As for bank services, I don’t know that I have heard of any personally.
Capital One has that capability built in. I have dedicated credit card numbers for just about every service I use.
Sadly not outside the us tho…
Check out the site called Privacy cards. It’s pretty much exactly this but all with virtual cards.
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I used to work at an Internet provider that offers a discounted auto pay program.
No, at least not there.
Every once in a while we’d get complaints that a card wasn’t working and it was because they were trying to use a gift card, and the system recognized gift cards and declined them immediately. Needed to be a credit or debit card with your name on it. Or at least someone’s name on it. Who payed didn’t matter, but a real person would be billed every month.
Good point here.
I’ve thought about using them like that as someone without access to, but they do charge an activation fee and other random little fees I didn’t want to deal with. So I just… didn’t buy whatever it was I was considering at the time lol. Always keeping an eye open to see if there are any alternatives though.
In the US, gift cards will often be declined for setting up ongoing transactions. Every transaction has a merchant code associated with it and many subscriptions and services will read the merchant code and reject it on that basis alone. Doesn’t matter how much of a balance the card carries.
Virtual card numbers usually work well. I always made sure to use them with stuff like SiriusXM and other clowns that make cancellations difficult. You can leave them active or cancel them arbitrarily. Some card companies let you set them up via their app or website.
Log in
Modify/Cancel services:
Do you wish to add, remove, or view your current services?
Here is a list of your current services. Check the box for each service you want to remove
[List, with a select all button, and a clear button]
[Remove selected]
You are about to remove the following services. Please confirm
[List, confirm button, take me back button]
A confirmation email of these changes has been sent to your email on file. Please allow 48 hours for changes to apply.
Cable companies: how can we make that impossible?
What consequences don’t I understand? Like not having cable?
To play devils advocate, my guess might be that consumers will have to schedule to return hardware or something. But honestly, it’s just so they can bully people when they try to cancel.
Yeah, it wouldn’t be hard to just charge for the hardware if it isn’t returned.
Shit, Comcast has a pretty decent change of charging you for the hardware even if you do return it.
there should be a button on the remote control dedicated to ending your service
I don’t think I’ve ever seen cable companies cry so much.
Oh hey look at the rich bastards whine about having to not be jerks about one single thing.
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This is a repost.
That one was posted by a spambot, which a lot of people have blocked.
How do you know a lot have blocked it? The 50+ responses show it can’t be that many.
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“Cable firms to FTC: We shouldn’t have to let users cancel service with a click — Customers may “misunderstand the consequences of canceling,” say lobbyists”
“Cable Firms to FTC: We Shouldn’t Have to Let Users Cancel Service With a Click”
Yes, so so different. Oh wait no, it’s the same thing with the subheading in the title instead. Are you taking the mick or just busting for an argument? They are posts about exactly the same thing.
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You don’t know what literally means. Stop talking, it’s embarrassing.
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Sigh, I wish there was a better repost notification. Maybe the third party app I use is the issue
Yea it’s a bit odd, I can see ten similar articles about Putin posted in the past couple of hours too.