What people don’t realize is that these levels are built with a barely-perceptible curve to match the shape of the Earth.
See, this is why I post stupid shit like this. One, for the comments, and two, for info like this. Thank you kind stranger 👍 ☺️.
A level would have to be unwieldy large before it would have to account for that. Thats completely made up.
No, I was being completely serious with my ridiculous statement above.
Now do it with a 15,000 mile long level.
It still makes me laugh all our building’s paths and stuff like that are judged by a floating air bubble in a coloured liquid.
Lays down another level next to it.
I think this just means that they installed earth on a good angle.
Turn a bowl upside-down and slap this bad boy on top of it. Boom, proof the bowl is a plate.
You ever see this? https://youtu.be/GFqmDazwb6Y?si=PBFHmJRvXp2rHbtN
Welp, can’t argue against that. Ya finally converted me.