So a bunch of people in this subreddit told me that uTorrent was trash and to switch to QBitTorrent.

I didn’t think much of it. How could one be so much better than the other? They’re both just torrent downloaders.

Holy shit was I wrong. I don’t even really understand what is happening, but downloading torrents on QBitTorrent is so, so, so much faster and I don’t even understand how.

A movie downloads in basically seconds compared to 10 or 20 minutes on uTorrent.

Why is this? What is this magic? What makes QBitTorrent so much faster?

    1 year ago

    uTorrent has been down the shitter for over a decade now, I wouldn’t be surprised if the download speed was throttled without a pro subscription. It could also be a difference in how the applications discover seeds, or how much CPU time or memory is allocated to downloads.

    As a general rule, if an application is full of anti-features, it tends to have better, usually FOSS, alternatives.