I’m still just using Firefox and ublock origin…
Same, no problems yet.
Same. Havent noticed any slowdown. Havent noticed any ads.
I also use some extensions to make the suggestions page not look like ass. But those are cosmetic.
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Android: https://newpipe.net/
For PC: https://freetubeapp.io/
Or you can try switching your VPN to a European location while using Ublock. I think YouTube’s anti-adblocking violates EU privacy laws
Edit: fixed formatting 🫠
Newpipe has been working very well for me… for now.
Been using it for years without issue. Get the version with Sponsorblock, it’s worth it
No issues with:
- Firefox+ uBlock Origin (PC)
- Freetube (PC)
- NewPipe (Android)
- SmartTube (Android/Google TV)
Same, I never saw a single ad on YouTube and I use it a lot
I can confirm the first 3 are working for me as well.
I saw a warning once a while ago on Firefox… and completely forgot this was a thing until I saw this post right now. I’ve had absolutely no issues. I guess I’m lucky…?
I dont think it’s luck, Firefox and ublock origin have continued working fine on YouTube for all of the people that I know use it, at least on PC. I think everybody got the warning popup at least once.
If you are using chrome, ditch it and use something like braver or firefox.
We are already in 2024, which means that Chrome probably does not support manifest-V2 anymore. (What an unexpected turn of events)
I personally don’t use Youtube (I prefer using Libredirect with Piped/Invidious) but I tried Youtube on Firefox with UBlock and I didn’t have any problem. This might sound dumb but what filters do you use on UBlock? I have read that turning on some filters would help with this but I’m not sure.
Yeah, in general, you’ll be fine with Firefox and any of the default filters uBlock provides (even the ones that are disabled by default). The issue usually comes from outdated third-party filter lists that try to block youTube’s tracking. Since the changes, you should pretty much only rely on the official lists for anything YouTube-related.
Or maybe OP’s got another extension that tries to block ads. I know I’ve had to disable Enhancer for YouTube’s ad blocking (because YouTube detects it immediately).
Firefox + ublock still works perfectly fine for me.
They don’t roll these measures out to all YT accounts at once. I had to start a new google account to get the uBlock/Firefox combo to work again.
Same, I never saw the adblocker screen to this day.
Firefox + uBlock Origin. if you keep seeing the anti-adblock message there are certain filters you must input. I’m sure you can find it somewhere on the Internet. If it comes back then you simply refresh your filters.
There are no certain filters. If you see the message, it’s 99% of the time other adblockers/addons/maybe even browser settings interfering. If you literally have stock Firefox with uBlock you will see no ads.
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I can’t find it, do you specifically know where?
Use open source youtube third party apps and everything will be good, For pc freetube, For tv smarttube next, For android newpipe, libretube, clipious, revanced, There’s also some for ios, but my last iphone was iphone 5s so i don’t know how is it now
Revanced hasn’t stopped working for me and I don’t even bother updating.
Hell, I’m still using the original Vanced. No clue how it’s managed to escape death for all of these months, but I’m not complaining
Whaaaaat?? That stopped working for me ages ago!
My guess is that it has something to do with my YouTube Premium subscription never triggering Google’s anti-adblock software, which means the app was never flagged for a soft lock.
I use Vanced for the SponsorBlock, increased default play speed, background payback, and other assorted tweaks rather than for the ad blocking, but blocking ads will definitely jump to the top of my list if my “Google Play Family” ever stops paying for premium. At which point I guess I’ll migrate to GrayJay?
That makes sense.
If it’s a mobile problem, get Newpipe. It’s not on the App Store, you have to go on the website to get it, but it absolutely is worthwhile. Firefox and you block still works just fine though on desktop.
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You said App Store. Can Apple users install NewPipe? I have it on Android, but my wife uses iOS, and we thought she wouldn’t be able to use it.
I’ve been seeing these posts for a couple of months now, but I haven’t had any issues with uBlock origin and Chrome at work, or uBlock origin and Firefox at home. Why am I able to still use these things if YouTube has been blocking them for a couple of months now?
Same, they must not have rolled it out to everyone, I have firefox/ublock origin on PC and android and have yet to see an ad on youtube, and the quality and speed of loading seem to be fine.
I doubt they would ever do this, but I wonder if they have some metric about the user’s likeliness of clicking ads, and prevent more ‘advertisable’ users from blocking the ads but let some keep blocking them because it wouldn’t make as much of a difference, or they would just leave youtube. If my adblock stopped working I would stop using youtube, without a doubt. I am allergic to ads.
That actually seems plausible. I never click anything except for a video I’m searching for. I don’t engage on YouTube, and if there’s an unskippable ad, I immediately leave. So I would definitely fall into the “unlikely to click ads” category.
I guess it would contribute to the confusion too. Works on my computer.
I get that warning all the time and it’s just a reminder to go update my browser and update all of my filters for ublock origin. After everything’s updated YouTube goes back to working
For android, I use https://revanced.app/
For desktop, I use https://freetubeapp.io/
I use Tube Archivist to download videos from my subscriptions then watch them through Jellyfin.
I have some homework to do now. I use jellyfin and wanted a way to do this
Does each channel show up as a show? With each video being an episode?
Yes, there’s a Jellyfin add-on that uses the API to index them as its own Jellyfin library.
Each channel is a show, each year is a season and every video/short/stream is an episode. It pulls the rich metadata from YouTube as well, so you get thumbnails, descriptions, etc.
I have stopped using Smarttube Next in favour of this.
Only downside is YouTube are great at throttling people doing this so I had to set my download speed to 750kbps to avoid throttling.
Good to know!
I use SmartTube, but if they ever block it’s functionality I’ll switch to local downloads of YT videos using this