Communism? Not really. More like obnoxious campism which has absolutely zero to do with communism, but which becomes a communism purity test anyway. Because nothing says left unity like relitigating the cold war in perpetuity.
I’m pretty sure it’s thedonald refugees from Reddit, they’re posting about shidding fardding, and posting how scary they are, while banning anyone who says boo to them. I can see why iron fist Bolshevik fascism appeals to these cunts.
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Did you just say Arch Linux?
'Linux is slang for Arch Linux, so I think they did.
Can’t we all just hate Ubuntu in peace?
I thought I was cool leaving windows for Ubuntu. Y’all crushed me.
Hey, if want to try it, feel free to do it. Even Ubuntu is better than Windows.
I was also considering Ubuntu until I learned why I shouldn’t.
You be you.
btw I don’t like arch.
You forgot Star Trek
You forgot bitching about Chrome
Tbh you can even discuss most of that, if you disagree you’ll just be torn to shreds.
To shreds you say‽
And his wife?
… to shreds you say?
Fuck Linux!
Communism? Not really. More like obnoxious campism which has absolutely zero to do with communism, but which becomes a communism purity test anyway. Because nothing says left unity like relitigating the cold war in perpetuity.
More like chardonnay socialists.
I’m pretty sure it’s thedonald refugees from Reddit, they’re posting about shidding fardding, and posting how scary they are, while banning anyone who says boo to them. I can see why iron fist Bolshevik fascism appeals to these cunts.
Occasionally a video game… maybe
I like when halo punches the bad guys
I like that Zelda guy with the sword.
With only one non-downvotable opinion