I might love a part and strongly dislike the other part of a post or comment. Why can’t I both upvote and downvote? Double tap for a conflicted situation? Why am I restricted to the net of my opinions?
I will try to implement this when I have time, lol time.
Not voting would do the same.
Upvote then comment on how you hated it.
I hate this comment
I hate this hated comment
IMO your best route in that scenario would be to leave a comment.
So, you want a quantum voting system?
You think that you deserve two votes, when everybody has just one? :-)
Even better. Have floating point +ive and -ive votes. You can put whatever value you want as long as the sum of absolute values of + vote and - vote is <= 1. And >= 0 of course
I made two accounts for this purpose.
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