I’m only here to complain about the shitty joints.
Three groups of fanboys. The modelling fans are pissed off over the shitty kitbash.
That’s Captain Raynolds Galactica!
Is that fucking thermal paste???
This bucket of thermal paste’s never gonna get us past the blockade.
Brother if your thermal paste looks like clay you need to swap it out
Wait, is this the ship from Firefly?
I think it’s the one from Battlespace Galactitoads.
No, you’re thinking Starfox. Def Starfox.
The 3rd party N64 controller that your friend has to use.
Star Wreck: Deep Space Nein.
I believe that is “The O’Neal” actually.
FireFly class
So say we all
“I doing my part!”
Now watch it transform into a Decepticon.
Sorry, it only transforms into a GoBot.
That’s not the sick burn it once was, now that Hasbro owns them both.
Enterprise Falcon: USS Millenium
Jokes on you, I love Farscape.
I like this.
So say we all.