Coroner calls on Google and Amazon to act after British woman’s suicide::Chloe Macdermott researched suicide methods on a forum and bought lethal substance online from US
Yes. Let’s burn all the books too in case someone does something bad with that knowledge. And ban everything but soft pillows from being sold in any store.
What a stupid fucking coroner.
She died as a martyr so we can have even more of that universal mass survelliance.
It was probably sodium nitrite. There’s been an increasing number of people using it to exit as it’s used in meat seasoning. In the UK you can only buy quite low concentration bulk packets.
The UK would try to ban nitrogen because it can be used to commit suicide. No more Guinness at the pub I guess.
No more balloons for your party either!
Early last year I was almost able to buy it in high concentration from apc pure, but did not have a good lie lined up when they asked me why I was purchasing it. Seems like it’s no longer available, but I bet it can be got with some effort.
I hope you’re doing okay now.
Feels like such a reach. I have no love for Amazon but what are they supposed to do here? Ask you at check out “Are you trying to commit suicide with these items?” Typing is most keywords for suicide and Google pops up with suicide prevention info on top screen already. People who want to do something will find a way.
I’m guessing that guy never heard about the Streisand Effect and the expression “if it bleeds, it leads”
Grow the fuck up. What idiot coroner thinks that an individuals personal decision to end their life is literally anyone elses fucking responsibility?
Should have their license pulled for being this much of a fucking idiot.