Panache is the ability to show off in a more or less entertaining way, depending on talent. It’s a fine line between panache and cringe, and what counts as panache in one social circle might be worthless in another.
Charisma is the ability to stand out and capture people’s attention, and eventually their respect, admiration and devotion, just by the way you move, speak, act and present yourself and your ideas. If you think you have it, and you actually do, you can influence a lot. However, if you think you have it but it’s not true, then you are probably a narcissist surrounded by yes men.
Panache is style, someone who can carry off a different look effortlessly - I had a coworker who wore the most ridiculous clothes but looked good in them, I think that is panache. A fashion sense that is individual and loud and still looks good.
Charisma I think of as magnetic personality, the person who draws your attention, does not demand it. Usually people who do thrive on attention. Stage presence is a form of charisma, I went to see Marcus King and he is not good looking and had on a most unflattering outfit but as soon as he started playing I forgot all about that, he was absolutely stunning and attractive in the way he moved, sung, and played guitar. He had charisma.
I see charisma as an innate quality and panache is something you put on.
What would you say about Norma Jean’s confession that she turns “Marilyn Monroe” on and off and that she would likely not be recognized as Norma when she’s otherwise shut down MarilynMonroe.exe?
I always thought panache was more of something you could add to yourself like a fancy coat.
Like a feather boa would give someone panache but maybe charisma would be the ability to attract with a smile. I know nothing, just guessing.
I agree with folks saying charisma is an attribute of a person, and panache is attached to an action or object. That’s how I’ve always heard them used. But we could all be wrong compared to the dictionary definitions. Merriam Webster seems to agree, at least.
I tend to think of charisma as charm, and panache as style.