I’d make it so that liquid soap dispensers sounded like they were struggling to nut quietly each time you pressed down.
I quite like the (I think?) Jewish curse: “may your laundry never dry”. That would suck wearing clothes that are always slightly damp.
That’s terrible, haha.
Every set of stairs has one step that is slightly taller than the rest
That was actually a thing in castle design. There’d be one step just high enough compared to the others that an assassin chasing the king would hopefully stumble on it, and the king could turn around and stab the assassin.
You monster.
You lose the ability to differentiate between a fart and a poo.
Crohns and colitis say hi
Everytime you open a door it moans with pleasure.
This answer is brought to you by the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation
Marvin hates it.
Thematic w/ mine, I like it!
No matter how hard one squeezes, there’s ALWAYS three or four drops of pee leftover, poised to strike after one finishes their business.
^This person right here officer.
wind makes everyone ticklish
That tornado sure sounds fun…
All doors you try to open actually open the opposite direction
What’s new here?
Eyelids become translucent. In other words, you can still see anything and everything when your eyes are closed.
USB-C now has the same connector directionality problem that USB-A does
Id like to think it would still work both ways mechanically, but would be one sided electrically.
You must greet everyone you meet with a handshake and ten seconds of uninterrupted eye contact. Forced smiles and a serious talk about how you really are doing are also mandatory.
Pretty awkward if you ask me :)Neurodivergent hell.
Everyone is ever so slightly telepathic, functionally making a web of felt emotions with no thoughts connecting them so what you feel from this is basically a summary of the people in the area around you.
Example: Everyone could be focused at work, nothing major going on, until someone thinks about their significant other and all of a sudden there’s a tiny bit of horny thrown in the mix, everyone knows its there, and no one knows who put it there.
Women are already scarce in IT.
Sneezing is excessively messy.
Mirror every object. You don’t realize how many things are designed with a right-handed assumption unless you aren’t right handed. Also, most people can’t read well anymore because it’s all backwards
Telepathy for everyone. Instant chaos.
How about telepathy for half the people. That’s even more chaotic.
I’d make every scissor a little bit loose so whatever it’s cutting turns sideways and gets stuck near the end.
This is what being left handed is like.
As a kid, I didn’t understand why left-handed scissors were a thing. Then I had to cut a wide strip of fabric with my non-dominant left hand.
It was an experience.