Can Jesus really shoot rays of emotion out of his belly like a common care bear?
From thier harts, man, come on😁
Nothing hurts more than the “Jesus cares” stare.
Care Bears are the truly biblically accurate angels confirmed
Needs more baguette!
Thanks DALL-E
More baguette you say?
Well that’s fucking glorious.
Have another, Avengers: Baguette
I do have too much fun with this
Damn the Bible really is brutal
"Mercy! MERCY, please! Ahhhhh!
Mercy, s’il vous plaît… Mer… Merci. Merci beaucoup! hon hon hon hon!"
Luke 2:1-20
Je sus
american canadian
I banish thy bad breath with the power of Colgate
Beat me to it
Jesus turning the girls gay.
When you turn French you just stop caring about sins.
He’s giving her a sign to just surrender already.
Ooh La La!
Je suis un ananas.
NoOn, ceux naille pas pawssible.
Ooooohhhh…. That‘s a bit harsh. What could she have done to deserve this
Being not French maybe?
Is the baby France?
I mean why do you think she’s crying?
Fr*nch 🤢