My mind changed escalator to elevator because it didn’t want to believe this
“Of course you can’t walk up an elevator. Sometimes you can manually open the doors, but… Wait, what’s this in the comments?”
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This joke was funnier when Mitch Hedberg made it with fewer words and zero pictures.
Fine to do for getting off the thing if it stopped while you’re on it but no, they don’t just become stairs when they’re stopped. Go look up escalator brake failures if you want to see some horrifying videos of how that can go wrong.
Got a sepcific video in mind? all the videos coming up are failures while they’re running.
Saw it a few years back and don’t care to look for it since that shit scares the shit out of me (used to be a ski lift operator, rollbacks become a phobia in that line of work) but it was a large amount of people marching up the thing like it was a set of stairs when it just gave out.
Mitch hedberg is very disappointed in you
Broken escalators are no joke. My father starved to death because they couldn’t fix the excalator in time.
They should’ve used the excalibur.
It’s a fake meme.
That said, escalator break downs can kill people. They don’t always just stop, they free wheel and smash everyone into a pile at the bottom.
Acshually, “escalators” are a subset of “stairs”. They would’ve known this had they paid attention during math class 🤓
I used to know that. I still do, but I used to, too.
If you integrate stairs you get escalator